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  • 懂得感恩-知道小事的价值(3)

    Be Grateful 懂得感恩 Know the value of the little things... There's power in the small, ordinary moments, like catching the subway before the doors close or your pet greeting your happily when you get home. Look for a few things to add to your gr...

  • 懂得感恩-谨慎使用社交网络(4)

    Be Grateful 懂得感恩 Use social media mindfully. 谨慎使用社交网络。 Emmons says, thankful people mindfully take advantage of social media. [Thankful people] use whatever cues that exist in everyday environments to trigger grateful though...

  • 懂得感恩-和爱的人在一起还要告诉他们你爱他们(5)

    Be Grateful 懂得感恩 Spend time with loved ones... 和爱的人在一起 Thankful people know they didn't get to where they are by themselves -- and they make it a habit to spend time with those people who matter most. Gratitude really helps us c...

  • 懂得感恩-不会躲避消极的东西(6)

    Be Grateful 懂得感恩 Don't avoid the negative. 不会躲避消极的东西。 Expressing gratitude may generate more optimism, but thankful people also don't shy away from the negative. Emmons says that while we often associate gratitude with foc...

  • 懂得感恩-记日记(7)

    Be Grateful 懂得感恩 Journal. 记日记。 Research has shown that writing down what you're thankful for can lead to a multitude of wellness benefits. In order to reap the full benefits of journaling, Emmons,a gratitude researcher and psycholog...

  • 如何戒掉手机-以此为耻(1)

    How to stay away fromcell phone? 如何戒掉手机 Shame yourself. 以此为耻 If you've ever taken agander at the running tally of the time you've spent playing solitaire, you know the pain that comes from looking in the mirror. Along with apps th...

  • 如何戒掉手机-自动设置(2)

    How to stay away from cell phone? 如何戒掉手机 Automate your attention. 自动设置 Even our device makers know that we use them too much, which is why they have built-in functions like Do Not Disturb (iOS)or Silent mode (Android). Tho...

  • 停止抱怨后-我尝试更多的祈祷(1)

    停止抱怨的表现 I prayed more. 我尝试更多的祈祷 If I was forced to turn the negative into the positive, I turned to God. Perhaps its from prior experience--but for whatever reason, it happened. And my spirit felt nourished. And at the e...

  • 停止抱怨后-焦虑感增加了(2)

    停止抱怨的表现 Angst builds up. 焦虑感增加了 Here's the deal: this experience was overall a positive experience for me. It truly made me reflect on my reactions to situations. That being said, sometimes people just need to vent. There wa...

  • 停止抱怨后-吵架的频率变少了(3)

    停止抱怨的表现 I argued less. 我吵架的频率变少了。 I'm not exactly one to pick a fight, but I noticed how many stupid arguments I can have in a week. If my fianc Alex said something I disagreed with, I couldn't immediately react. Thi...

  • 独立-没有不切实际的期望(1)

    To be independent 独立。 They don't have unrealistic expectations. 没有不切实际的期望 Having unrealistic expectations is one of the quickest ways to being an unhappy camper. Fortunately, if you're a strong,independent girl, that's not an...

  • 独立-不会停止学习(2)

    To be independent 独立。 They don't stop learning. 不会停止学习 Strong, independent girls never stop learning about the world or subjects. Strong, independent girls move on topeople whose opinions they care about and never let anyone stand i...

  • 独立-不会放弃自己的职业(3)

    To be independent 独立。 They don't neglect their careers. 不会放弃自己的职业 Firstly, strong, independent girls have their careers always at the forefront of their lives. Working hard is something everyone should do, regardless of age, g...

  • 承认-每件事(1)

    承认吧。 Everything 每件事 Be frank about your age, your sexual orientation, your criminal record (if you have one), your tattoos, your scars, and your prescriptions. Admit to your bad moods, your neuroses, your fantasies, and your fears and i...

  • 承认-你真的听烦了(2)

    承认吧。 You're Tired of Hearing About It 你真的听烦了 Life is too short to listen to people talk about the same problems over and over again. I have a friend who is often in victim mode. If she calls me to rant at the end of a long day, I'...
