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  • 爱自己-接受缺点、怪癖和古怪(6)

    Love Yourself 爱自己 Accept Your Flaws/Quirks/Weirdness 接受缺点、怪癖和古怪 My penmanship sucks, I can't ride a bike, I am only good at cooking three things (spaghetti/omelets/sandwiches)and I have an irrational fear of bees (which is s...

  • 爱自己-充满感恩(7)

    Love Yourself 爱自己 Be Thankful 充满感恩 Be aware of all the things you should be thankful for. Make note of the people, places, things and activities that bring you the most joy. If you slow down, youll realize you have an awful lot to be th...

  • 爱自己-停止苦逼(8)

    Love Yourself 爱自己 Stop Beating Yourself Up Would you say the things you think about yourself to another person? If not, you owe yourself an apology. How could you love a person who believes such nasty things about you? Even if you did mess up,...

  • 健康快乐-放宽心,别多虑(1)

    Have a good health 健康 Stop worrying so much. 放宽心,别多虑 Writing this piece about worrying was an eye-opener for me. As a Type A person, I also tend to be a worrier --always wanting to be prepared for the worst, with a Plan A, B and C f...

  • 健康快乐-亲自下厨(2)

    Cook food yourself. 亲自下厨 Sure, on the surface, a salad is healthy. But when a restaurant loads it down with sugary salad dressing and croutons, it can be anything but. The same goes for any other food,whether it's ordered at a restaurant or f...

  • 健康快乐-多喝水(3)

    Drink more water. 多喝水 Here at Healthy Living, we've dubbed Health and Fitness Senior Editor Sarah Klein the hydration expert -- she is always seen with a water bottle in hand, and if there's ever a hydration question, she either knows the answe...

  • 健康快乐-适时放下手机(4)

    Know when to stay off your phone. 适时放下手机 This is another one of those things I'm still trying to be better at. There are times for Instagramming and texting, and there are times where it's truly obvious you're not present because your eye...

  • 健康快乐-找到一项你真正喜爱的运动(5)

    Find an exercise you actually enjoy. 找到一项你真正喜爱的运动 It's not exactly a secret how much I opposite-of-like running. I'll still do it, because health, but there are certainly other ways I'd rather get my fitness in. And that's com...

  • 健康快乐-尽可能少吃糖(6)

    Cut out sugar where you can. 尽可能少吃糖 I used to be a dessert fiend.Cupcakes, ice cream, brownies, if you put it in front of me, I would most definitely eat it. And growing up, I drank some sort of juice at every single meal (being mildly la...

  • 健康快乐-停下来休息一会儿(7)

    Take a minute. 停下来休息一会儿 This is something I'm admittedly still working on. I'm an objectively fast person -- fast at walking, fast at eating, fast at talking, you get the gist. This also makes me very impatient,and also sometimes very...

  • 健康快乐-了解并培养情商(8)

    Understand what emotionalintelligence is -- and make a point to cultivate it. 了解并培养情商 To have emotional intelligence means to be confident, good at working towards your goals, adaptable and flexible. You recover quickly from stress and...

  • 健康快乐-保持充足睡眠(9)

    Have a bedtime. 保持充足睡眠 Sleep is considered the third pillar of health, and for good reason. Research is only making it increasingly clear that not getting enough of the stuff can have serious health effects. Meanwhile, getting enough slee...

  • 快乐工作-记住,不论现在的境况如何坏(如何好),它都会改变(1)

    快乐工作 周七天,五天在工作;一天24个小时,除去睡觉时间,8个小时需要工作。要想幸福,先工作的快乐,看完以下几点,你将知道你为什么工作不快乐;做到以下几点,你将知道快乐工作...

  • 快乐工作-不要把宝贵的精力花在怨恨和八卦上(2)

    快乐工作 周七天,五天在工作;一天24个小时,除去睡觉时间,8个小时需要工作。要想幸福,先工作的快乐,看完以下几点,你将知道你为什么工作不快乐;做到以下几点,你将知道快乐工作...

  • 快乐工作-记得除了你自己之外,没人对你的幸福负责(3)

    快乐工作 周七天,五天在工作;一天24个小时,除去睡觉时间,8个小时需要工作。要想幸福,先工作的快乐,看完以下几点,你将知道你为什么工作不快乐;做到以下几点,你将知道快乐工作...
