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  • 承认-你家里通常乱七八糟(3)

    承认吧。 Your House Is Usually a Disaster Area 你家里通常乱七八糟 The next time you entertain, don't pretend that your place always looks perfect. It's as annoying as a stick-thin model saying she eats like a horse. If someone compliment...

  • 承认-你给自己花了一小笔钱(4)

    承认吧。 You Spent a Small Fortune on Yourself 你给自己花了一小笔钱 Even in this day and age, many people still don't level with their spouses about how much they paid for some coveted service or item, like a salon treatment or a fancy...

  • 承认-你并非知道所有答案(5)

    承认吧。 You Don't Have All the Answers 你并非知道所有答案 By and large, people don't like to live in the realm of not knowing. It's terrifying. Which is why everybody wants to have all the answers. Atheists think science has the answers...

  • 坚持梦想的理由-失败(1)

    Why should not give up your dreams 坚持梦想的理由 Failure.失败 This word seems counter-intuitive in reasons not to give up your dreams, but failure is more beneficial than you might think. Most people dont pursue their dreams for fear of fai...

  • 坚持梦想的理由-前进道路上的成功(2)

    Why should not give up your dreams 坚持梦想的理由 Persistence. 毅力 With that failure comes persistence. Persistence is something that can only be learned through hardships. If you never fall down, you cant learn how to get back up. Each tim...

  • 坚持梦想的理由-尝试和失败比去猜想会发生什么要好的多(3)

    Why should not give up your dreams 坚持梦想的理由 Its better to try and fail than to wonder what might have been. Have you ever regretted trying something in your life? Perhaps it was trying out for the school play. Or asking that special some...

  • 坚持梦想的理由-追求(4)

    Why should not give up your dreams 坚持梦想的理由 The pursuit. 追求 Many valuable experiences are found in the pursuit.Memories, friendships, skills, life lessons, love. Basically, life is what happens when we make our way towards a goal. Ap...

  • 坚持梦想的理由-树立榜样(5)

    Why should not give up your dreams 坚持梦想的理由 Success is often just around the corner. If only you knew how close you were! If only you knew what an impact would be for one more phone call, one more interview, and just one more late night...

  • 梦想经不起等待-追逐梦想让你更快乐(1)

    dreams should not, and cannot wait 有句古老的西班牙谚语:明天常常是一周中最忙碌的一天。有多少次我们曾把梦想托付给明天?要我说,太多次。梦想不应等待,也经不起等待。 可可电台 Tomorrow...

  • 梦想经不起等待-世界需要你(2)

    dreams should not, and cannot wait 梦想经不起等待,也不能等待 The world is waiting on your gift 世界需要你 I know this may be hard to believe, but the world is waiting on YOU! Yes, YOU! You were born into the world with a unique gif...

  • 梦想经不起等待-如果跨不出第一步,梦想将终归是梦想(3)

    dreams should not, and cannot wait 梦想经不起等待,也不能等待 Unless you take the first step, your dreams will never come true 如果跨不出第一步,梦想将终归是梦想 You can dream about writing the great American play all yo...

  • 梦想经不起等待-不能输给恐惧(4)

    dreams should not, and cannot wait 梦想经不起等待,也不能等待 You can't let fear win 不能输给恐惧 One of the biggest dream killers is fear. There are so many people who could have achieved amazing things if only they weren't afraid...

  • 梦想经不起等待-不做,你永远不知道机会在等你(5)

    dreams should not, and cannot wait 梦想经不起等待,也不能等待 Possibilities you never knew existed are waiting on you 不做,你永远不知道机会在等你 There are so many amazing opportunities and people waiting on you. Films fes...

  • 靠近梦想-大体上弄明白(1)

    Close to dreams 靠近梦想 Semi-Clarity 大体上弄明白 The first thing you have to get clear on is this: What do you REALLY want? You don't have to be crystal clear, but you do want a general idea of where you're going. If you still can't answe...

  • 靠近梦想-拥抱困惑(2)

    Close to dreams 靠近梦想 Embrace Confusion 拥抱困惑 When you're starting out, you will be confused. I know I was. All I knew was that I wasn't happy. I was frustrated and I just wanted to hide somewhere with a nice bowl of ice cream with cand...
