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  • 靠近梦想-导师或培训(3)

    Close to dreams 靠近梦想 Mentor/Training 导师/培训 In order to take action when you're confused, you need someone to guide you. You have to constantly think about what you can do. And what your next smallest step is. This could be a book, a t...

  • 靠近梦想-行动(4)

    Close to dreams 靠近梦想 Action 行动 Action is key. People talk about visualization and the law of attraction, which is fine, but it won't get you what you want. Things will not magically manifest in your life unless you take action. It is only...

  • 靠近梦想-承诺(5)

    Close to dreams 靠近梦想 Commitment 承诺 I believe one of the most important factors of my success was my commitment to making it work. I stopped looking for permission.I took back my power and I used what I had to get the results I needed. I c...

  • 靠近梦想-恰当期望(6)

    Close to dreams 靠近梦想 Proper Expectations 恰当期望 Most people give up before they see the first sign of success. That's why you need to have the proper expectations. You cannot expect to live the lifestyle you want in 6 months. There are...

  • 靠近梦想-借口管理(7)

    Close to dreams 靠近梦想 Excuse Management 借口管理 And finally, you have to fine-tune your internal bullshit detector. You will have excuses. We all havereasons for why we can't do something. But if you truly want results, you have to get pr...

  • 实干者-工作时脑中有明确的目标(1)

    To be a good doer. 行动实干者 You start work with clear objectives in mind Good doers don't just dive into aproject without thinking. They rein in their enthusiasm long enough to formulate objectives and figure out a plan in order to succeed in...

  • 靠近梦想-喜欢忙碌充实,但也更希望看到更多成果(2)

    To be a good doer. 行动实干者 You like feeling busy but like seeing results more Good doers love that busy feeling, but they don't allow it to cloud their judgement. They need to see tangible outcomes that show work is indeed done. To ensure the...

  • 靠近梦想-喜欢结交其他勤奋的人(3)

    To be a good doer. 行动实干者 You create your own motivation Good doers are self-motivated.They look forward to working hard and improving their internalscore. They take advantage of this wonderful trait by setting more and more challenging goal...

  • 靠近梦想-做志愿者(4)

    To be a good doer. 行动实干者 You volunteer 做志愿者 Good doers are naturalvolunteers. They like to participate in activities that require actual work,even without pay. And while volunteering is great, good doers make sure that they leave en...

  • 靠近梦想-注重庆贺取得的成绩(5)

    To be a good doer. 行动实干者 You value the importance of celebrating accomplishments. Good doers know when to stop working. They create regular opportunities to celebrate their achievements and progress and allow themselves the time to rest and...

  • 爱自己-开心玩乐(1)

    Have Fun 开心玩乐 Life is not meant to be an ever-ending to-do list. What makes you feel happy and excited? Do more of that. And before you claim you don't have the time, please realize that there is no such thing as enough time in the day. There...

  • 爱自己-照顾好身体(2)

    Love yourself 爱自己 Take Care of Your Body 照顾好身体 Everything you eat has an influence on your mood and energy levels. If you're feeling depressed and exhausted, take an honest look at what you are eating. Everyone reacts differently to d...

  • 爱自己-表扬自己(3)

    Love Yourself 爱自己 Chill Out Why are you always in such a hurry? It is okay (and in fact necessary) to relax. Our brains can only handle so much. Quiet your inner-chatter, shut off all distractions, prepare a bubble bath, and get in with a good...

  • 爱自己-停止攀比(4)

    Love Yourself 爱自己 No More Comparisons Forget about the celebrities you compare your body to, the relationships you contrast yours with, and the people you are so obsessed with pleasing. Life is not a competition. Your only goal is to become a b...

  • 爱自己-发挥优点(5)

    Love Yourself 爱自己 Use Your Strengths 发挥优点 Think about the top three accomplishments in your life. I don't care how big or little they are. It could be graduating college, landing a sweet job, getting your first business client,winning a...
