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  • 经济学人61:购物游戏 时装零售和社交媒体 Business 商业 Fashion retailers and social media 时装零售和社交媒体 The buying game 购物游戏 Can play shopping transform the real thing? 在线玩购物能改变零售业的现状吗? A LUXURY handbag by Stella McCartney worth £600
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  • 经济学人64:减肥商品 点肥成金不现实 Business 商业 Diet products 减肥商品 A big, bad business 点肥成金不现实 Medical firms struggle to profit from weight-loss treatments 制药公司试图从减肥治疗中获利 OBESITY is an epidemic to some and an opportunity to others. 肥
  • 经济学人65:棉花出口 两不讨好 Business 商业 Cotton exports 棉花出口 Knickers in a twist 两不讨好 India bans cotton exportsconfusing everyone, including its government 印度禁止棉花出口所有人都摸不着头脑,印政府也不例外 WHEN Mahatma Gandhi began s
  • 经济学人66:缅甸IT业 仰光的数字之春 Business 商业 IT in Myanmar 缅甸IT业 Yangon's digital spring 仰光的数字之春 An isolated country gradually goes online 一个封闭的国家逐渐地走上了网络前线 WHERE did BarCamp, a get-together of tech geeks (pictured), recently
  • 经济学人67:《太阳报》冉冉升起,太子爷黯然退场 Business 商业 News Corporation's travails 新闻集团的阵痛 Rising Sun, setting son 《太阳报》冉冉升起,太子爷黯然退场 James Murdoch quits the newspaper business. Will News Corp too? 詹姆斯.默多克不再插手报纸行业,
  • 经济学人68:回到原点的银行 Bank to square one Business;Face value;Bank to square one; 商业;商业精英;回到原点的银行; Ken Moelis believes that small is beautiful when it comes to investment banking; 肯莫里斯认为对于投行来说做小是件好事; The first invest
  • 经济学人69:减肥商品 点肥成金不现实 Business 商业 Diet products 减肥商品 A big, bad business 点肥成金不现实 Medical firms struggle to profit from weight-loss treatments 制药公司试图从减肥治疗中获利 OBESITY is an epidemic to some and an opportunity to others. 肥
  • 经济学人70:经济学人:让小店也分一杯羹 Business 商业 Bakers and chaebol in South Korea 韩国的糕点店与财阀 Let them eat cake 让小店也分一杯羹 A half-baked effort to curb the conglomerates 控制财阀的笨办法 SOME parents give their children cakes. A few give them ca
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  • 经济学人73:威立雅集团的董事会斗争 政界涉商之深 Business 商业 Veolia's boardroom battle 威立雅集团的董事会斗争 Plumbing the depths 政界涉商之深 What a row over a water company says about French capitalism 从一家水务公司总经理的连续更替来看法国的资本主义 E
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