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  • 职场英文口语 第197期:领奖致辞(2) Err, I don't actually know.But I've had some success.Oh, here comes Paul. 我不太明白。但我有点收获。保罗来了。 Hi Paul.Oh hello. Having a good day? 嗨,保罗。你们好,今天过得好吗? Yes, we're just talking about our s
  • 职场英文口语 第198期:领奖致辞(3) It is Tip Top Trading for their Imperial Lemon.Hey, that's us.We've actually won! Tip Top Trading的皇家柠檬。是我们。我们赢了。 Oh crumbs. I suppose I'd better do my speech now.Yeah go on Paul you can do it! 哎呀,我想我最好去发
  • 职场英文口语 第199期:领奖致辞(4) On behalf of everyone at Tip Top Trading, thank you for our award 代表Tip Top Trading的每一位员工,感谢大家对我们的奖励。 Our company is at the forefront of plastic innovation. 我们的公司处于塑料创新的前沿。 Yeah!Er
  • 职场英文口语 第200期:领奖致辞(5) Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of everyone at Tip Top Trading, thank you for our award. 女士们,先生们,代表Tip Top Trading的每一位员工,感谢大家对我们的奖励。 Our company is at the forefront of plastic innovation. 我们的
  • 职场英文口语 第201期:领奖致辞(6) Please welcome Brad Socrates from Tip Top Trading International to award the prize. 欢迎Tip Top Trading国际的Brad Socrates颁奖。 Out the way. Where's the Goddamn envelope?OK, right, and the award goes to Anna from Tip Top Trading. 走开,该死
  • 职场英文口语 第202期:如何解雇人(1) Morning everyone.How did you get on at the conference? 大家早上好。大会进展如何? Oh hi Denise. Yeah it was it was OK.What do you mean 'OK'? It was great. 嗨,丹尼斯。是的,还好。什么叫还好?简直是太棒了。 We mad
  • 职场英文口语 第203期:如何解雇人(2) Excuse me.Hmm, he sounded odd.What did he mean?Probably run out of biscuits!He's obviously got something on his mind. 先走了。他听起来很奇怪。他是什么意思?可能是饼干吃完了!他显然是有心事。 Denise, could I have a
  • 职场英文口语 第204期:如何解雇人(3) If someone says they are 'moving the furniture' they really mean they are restructuring or changing the business. 如果有人说moving the furniture,他们的意思是要重组或改变公司结构。 And if they say 'they have to let you go', it
  • 职场英文口语 第205期:如何解雇人(4) If someone says they are 'moving the furniture' they really mean they are restructuring or changing the business. 如果有人说moving the furniture,他们的意思是要重组或改变公司结构。 And if they say 'they have to let you go', it
  • 职场英文口语 第206期:如何解雇人(5) And here are some other expressions you may hear in connection with losing your job. 下面是一些有关失业的表达语。 Facing redundancy,Getting the sack,Terminating your employment,Leaving the company 面临裁员,解雇,终止雇佣,离
  • 职场英文口语 第207期:传达想法(1) Hello again and welcome to English at Work. 又见面了,欢迎回到职场英语。 It's another day at Tip Top Trading and hopefully a happier one, following Denise's bad news about her job. 希望这是丹尼斯在Tip Top Trading得知坏消息后
  • 职场英文口语 第208期:传达想法(2) So, I need you to develop a prototype we can use to show our potential clients. 我想让你们开发出一个样品,这样我们就可以给潜在顾客展示了。 Well that's great.So where do we get the prototype made?Upstairs, on the 4th floor
  • 职场英文口语 第209期:传达想法(3) It's our new big idea.Easy. We can just remould the design for the Imperial Lemon. 这是我们的新想法。简单,我们可以翻新一下皇家柠檬的设计。 Can they Anna?Is that what you wanted?To get what you want, you need to explain ex
  • 职场英文口语 第210期:传达想法(4) Obviously you are a designer, so I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on how to improve our idea. 很明显,你是一位设计者,所以对于我的点子,我很想听听你的看法。 Well, it looks very impressive already.Gosh, Tom, where
  • 职场英文口语 第211期:传达想法(5) Off you go Annaso when will you have the designs ready then?Hopefully by tomorrow morning. Is that OK? 安娜,快去吧。什么时候能设计完呢?明天早上吧,可以吗? That will be great but I will need to sign off your designs befor