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  • 职场英文口语 第241期:尽快完成任务(2) Anna, are you free to talk in my office now?Yes Paul.What's wrong? 安娜,现在有空来我办公室谈谈吗?当然,保罗。出什么事了? Hold on I just need a quick bite on a biscuit that's better.Now, that was Nice'n'Cheesy. 等下,我
  • 职场英文口语 第242期:尽快完成任务(3) You could also say This is our number one priority and then delegate tasks to the team to help you get the order sorted. 你还可以说这是我们的首要任务,然后把工作分配给大家,让他们帮助你解决。 Good luck!Oh thanks.Tom
  • 职场英文口语 第243期:尽快完成任务(4) Anna has wasted no time in sorting out this problem and that's important if you want to keep your business going. 安娜不费丝毫时间来处理此问题,要想保持业务进行,这点是很重要的。 Here's a reminder of some of the phrase
  • 职场英文口语 第244期:尽快完成任务(5) Yeah, yeah, see you.Phew, well done Anna.I think you saved the day once again. 是啊,再见。干得好,安娜。你这次又挽救了大局。 Hey, hold on, isn't that your boyfriend, Dave from IT, over there? 等下,那不是你男朋友,技
  • 职场英文口语 第245期:展示新产品(1) Welcome back to English at Work.It's an exciting day for Tip Top Trading. 欢迎回到职场英语。今天对Tip Top Trading来说是激动人心的一天。 It's launching its latest product the plastic aubergine. 公司将推出最新产品塑料茄
  • 职场英文口语 第246期:展示新产品(2) OK, here goes.Excuse me everyone, could you all gather round? 好了,我去了。打扰一下,大家能往一起聚聚吗? Our presentation is about to begin.I'll change the slides for you on the computer Paul. 我们的展示马上开始。我帮
  • 职场英文口语 第247期:展示新产品(3) and, Our new product has been designed to the highest specifications 新产品符合最高规格设计。 and tell people that This product is the perfect decoration on any caf or restaurant table tell them that, and the orders will come flying in! 是
  • 职场英文口语 第248期:展示新产品(4) It shows you're serious about food.And it doesn't go mouldy. 这会显得您对食物的态度很认真。而且它不会发霉。 Yes. We're taking orders today and andAnd? And what, Anna? 是的,您今天就可订单。而且而且?而且什么,
  • 职场英文口语 第249期:展示新产品(5) Thanks for listening.Tom has a few slides to show, which illustrate how the aubergine has been designed. 谢谢大家聆听。下面由汤姆为大家播放幻灯片,展示塑料茄子的设计过程。 Tom Tom?Oh no, it's frozen, the slides won't
  • 职场英文口语 第250期:裁员(1) Hello again and welcome back to English at Work. 大家好,欢迎再次回到职场英语。 Last time we heard the team from Tip Top Trading having a smashing time at the launch of its plastic aubergine. 上次说到Tip Top Trading团队在塑料茄
  • 职场英文口语 第251期:裁员(2) Crikey, come on we'd better go.That was a good shot Tom! 天哪,快,咱俩还是走吧。汤姆,打得好。 Looks like it's made an impact on Dave.Look, he's sent Anna some flowers. 看来对戴夫影响不小啊。瞧,他给安娜送的花。
  • 职场英文口语 第252期:裁员(3) Why? What are you in the way of?No Anna. 为什么?你挡什么道了?不,安娜。 To step aside is a polite way of saying to leave your position in the company. To step aside是离开公司职位的礼貌说法。 Oh. I don't understand Paul.
  • 职场英文口语 第253期:裁员(4) So it's not good news.Anyway Anna, Mr Socrates wants to know if you got his special message? 所以这不是好消息。总之安娜,苏格拉底先生想知道你收到他的特殊消息了吗? Special message? The flowers! ?That's strange. Why
  • 职场英文口语 第254期:裁员(5) Right, I'm going to have to call Mr Socrates and find out why he's sent me flowers. 好吧,我给苏格拉底先生打个电话,问问他为何送我花。 Socrates who wants me?Erm hello Mr Socrates it's Anna here. 我是苏格拉底,谁找我?
  • 职场英文口语 第255期:工作机会(1) Hello again and welcome back to the final English at Work. 你们好,欢迎收听决定性的一期职场英语。 Mr Socrates has sacked Paul from his position as manager of Tip Top Trading and he's offered Anna a promotion to be the new boss. But