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  • 职场英文口语 第182期:如何领导他人(2) I'll just get her get better soon Paul. 我去找她,快点好起来,保罗。 Anna, Anna, it's Paul on the phone, he wants to speak to you sounds important. 安娜,保罗打来电话了,他想跟你说话,听起来很重要。 Me? Oh right
  • 职场英文口语 第183期:如何领导他人(3) That's great Anna. 太好了,安娜。 You've got all the skills to do Paul's job maybe even more! 你有保罗职位所需的所有技能,也许还要更强呢! But you need to take charge and show who's boss!Oh right. 但你要主持工作,告
  • 职场英文口语 第184期:如何领导他人(4) Let's see Denise. 让我们看看,丹尼斯。 I'd like to have a meeting soon to discuss all our work, so we can talk about it then. OK? 我想很快开会讨论一下大家的工作,我们那时候讨论,好吗? Oh yes, thanks Anna.Right th
  • 职场英文口语 第185期:如何领导他人(5) If there is anything you want to ask, my door is always open. 如果你们有问题,我办公室的门永远敞开。 Take a seat Tom. 坐下吧,汤姆。 Could you please close the door? 你能关一下门吗? I thought your door was always op
  • 职场英文口语 第186期:解除混乱(1) Welcome back to English at Work. 欢迎回到职场英语。 Anna is acting up as boss because Paul had an accident with a biscuit! 安娜正代理老板的职位,因为保罗由一块饼干出了事故! But her and Tom are in a panic after findi
  • 职场英文口语 第187期:解除混乱(2) Everything OK Tom? 一切顺利吗,汤姆? Oh yeah, everything's cool. 一切顺利。 Actually Denise, it's not. 丹尼斯,其实不是这样。 I think we're all going to be sacked tomorrow by Mr Socrates. 我认为我们明天都会被苏格拉
  • 职场英文口语 第188期:解除混乱(3) Excuse me, could everyone gather round please. 打扰一下,请大家来一下好吗。 Is this about the sackings? 是关于解雇的事情吗? No Denise. 不,丹尼斯。 Any rumours about sackings are not true. 任何关于裁员的消息都是
  • 职场英文口语 第189期:解除混乱(4) Oh hi Paul. It's Anna. 你好,保罗,我是安娜。 Sorry to bother you. Are you feeling better? 抱歉打扰你了,你好点了吗? Much better thanks but keeping clear of biscuits for a while! 好多了,谢谢,但是这阵子不能吃饼
  • 职场英文口语 第190期:解除混乱(5) There are some rumours going around that are not true. 现在散播的谣言是造谣。 Please don't listen to rumours. 请别听信谣言。 I am trying to establish the facts and if I get any information I will let you know straight away. 我正在证
  • 职场英文口语 第191期:建立关系网(1) Welcome back to English at Work. 欢迎回到《职场英语》。 It's the big day of the International Plastics Conference and a good opportunity for the staff at Tip Top Trading to promote its business. 这是国际塑料会议的大日子,也是
  • 职场英文口语 第192期:建立关系网(2) Right, Tom, I need you to catch up with some of our existing customers do some schmoozing and Anna, could you talk to some potential new customers? 好的,汤姆,你去联系一下现有客户,闲聊一下,安娜,你去找一些潜在的新客
  • 职场英文口语 第193期:建立关系网(3) I work as a Sales Executive at Tip Top Trading and you are? 我是Tip Top Trading的销售代理,你是? Jane. Jane from Nice'n'Cheesy. It's very busy here today isn't it? It is. It's my first time here but it's very exciting. 简,Nice'n'Cheesy的
  • 职场英文口语 第194期:建立关系网(4) We have an issue with the fresh grapes we provide with our cheeses they keep going mouldy. 我们在用新鲜葡萄搭配奶酪供应时,葡萄总出问题,它们容易发霉。 Oh dear. Yes sour grapes you could say! 天啊。是的,可以说是
  • 职场英文口语 第195期:建立关系网(5) Here's my business card should you want to call. 这是我的名片,你可以给我打电话。 So, some good work by Anna but there's more networking to be done. 安娜干得很好,但还要多建立一些关系网。 A conference is a good plac
  • 职场英文口语 第196期:领奖致辞(1) Welcome back to English at Work. 欢迎回到职场英语。 Paul, Anna and Tom are at an important International Plastics Conference. 保罗,安娜和汤姆正在一个重要的国际塑料会议上。 It's been a busy day of networking but the bi