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  • 职场英文口语 第167期:做消费者调查(3) 'What plastic products do you currently use?' 你们目前用的是什么塑料产品? 'What products would you like us to make in the future?' 您希望我们未来可以为您制作出什么样的产品? 'How do you feel about the idea of selli
  • 职场英文口语 第168期:做消费者调查(4) Great, and Tom, could you help me by cold calling some new businesses? 太好了,汤姆,你能帮我给一些新公司打访问电话吗? Oh yeah sure. I've got loads of contacts. 当然。我有很多联络关系。 I suppose I had better make
  • 职场英文口语 第169期:做消费者调查(5) And errr what sort of things would you like us to sell in the future? 您希望我们以后卖什么产品呢? Let's think erm more squeaky toys. 让我想想,更多吱吱叫的玩具。 Squeaky toys? ! What about plastic vegetables? 吱吱叫的玩
  • 职场英文口语 第170期:做消费者调查(6) How do you feel about the idea of selling plastic vegetables? 您觉得卖塑料蔬菜的主意怎么样? Any particular vegetable you would like to see? 你希望看到什么特殊的蔬菜吗? Let's find out how the team is getting on. 看看这个
  • 职场英文口语 第171期:应对技术支持(1) It's frozen. Nothing will work 死机了。都用不了了。 Yeah and all my football scores I mean company accounts have disappeared. 是啊,我所有的足球比分我是说公司账户都消失了。 Can anyone get their computers to work? Or i
  • 职场英文口语 第172期:应对技术支持(2) Most big companies have them. 很多大公司都有这个部门。 These are the people who sort out your computer problems and get everything working again. 他们可以解决你的电脑问题,让一切正常运作。 But be careful, they might a
  • 职场英文口语 第173期:应对技术支持(3) Erm it's Windows 7 on a PC. 个人电脑上的Windows 7 Good, good, this should be easy. 很好,这样很简单。 Were you using many applications when it crashed? 崩溃前你用的应用多吗? Applications? 应用? Did you have lots of thin
  • 职场英文口语 第174期:应对技术支持(4) What am I going to do? 我该怎么办? Don't panic! I'll come and have a look. 别慌!我来看看。 You're on the 2nd floor right? 你在二层,对吧? Oh dear. This is a bit worrying but I'm sure Dave, the IT man, will get things sorted. 上
  • 职场英文口语 第175期:应对技术支持(5) Excuse me, are you Anna? 打扰一下,你是安娜吗? I've come to fix your computer. 我来给你修电脑。 Oh, hello you must be Dave. 你好,你肯定是戴夫。 I really like your hair. 我很喜欢你的发型。 Thanks. You look rathe
  • 职场英文口语 第176期:电梯游说(1) Hello and welcome to English at Work. 你好,欢迎回到职场英语。 The company's computer system has been fixed and Anna seems to have found a new friend in Dave, the IT support man. 公司的电脑系统已经修好了,安娜似乎交到了一
  • 职场英文口语 第177期:电梯游说(2) Great. 好极了。 Well done Anna. 干得好,安娜。 Remember to make your pitch clear and exciting. 记得要让你的推销宣传听起来清晰,有意思。 Really sell it with words like 'exceptional!', 'fantastic!', 'quality', 'profit', '
  • 职场英文口语 第178期:电梯游说(3) Talk about the evidence you have that it will be successful and convince him it will really benefit the business. 谈谈那些显示会成功的证明,让他相信这会对生意有利。 Phew, there's a lot to say in a short time but here goes. 这么
  • 职场英文口语 第179期:电梯游说(4) Hmm, 20%, really? 20%,真的吗? But do you know who's going to buy this product?I do. 但你知道谁会买这些产品吗?我知道。 We've conducted a survey and already found 10 new companies who would buy this 我们做了调查,已经有
  • 职场英文口语 第180期:电梯游说(5) By my calculations, we can increase profits by 20%. 根据我的计算,我们可以提高20%的利润。 I'm confident this new product will be a huge success. 我确信这个新产品会是一个巨大的成功。 So, how did it go Anna? 怎么样了
  • 职场英文口语 第181期:如何领导他人(1) Welcome back to English at Work. 欢迎回到职场英语。 Last time we heard Anna pitching her new plastic aubergine idea to Paul, in a lift. 上次我们听到安娜在电梯里向保罗推销她的新型塑料茄子的想法。 He was on his way