《你好布拉德》精讲01 布拉德失眠
The night before we left, I couldn't sleep. 出发前的那一宿 我怎么都睡不着 I couldn't stop thinking about Chris Kanew, 翻来覆去想着克里斯肯尼 and how he quit, 想他辞职的事 and all the things he said. 想他辞职时候说的
《你好布拉德》精讲02 有出息的大学同学
I felt like the world was rubbing my nose in something. 我感觉这个世界在针对我 So many friends from college have become successful. 大学同学一个比一个有出息 Nick Pascale was a big movie director in Hollywood, 尼克帕斯卡成了
《你好布拉德》精讲03 讨论父母的房子
It's stupid to compare lives. 虽然说跟人攀比很没意思 But when I do, 但是每次一比 I feel somehow I failed. 我就感觉我有点失败 And over time, these feelings get worse. 而且越比 感觉越失败 Brad. Shit. 布拉德 哎呦
《你好布拉德》精讲04 尘埃落定了
Look, I'm gonna be so distraught when my parents die, 我爸妈去世了我伤心都来不及 I'm not gonna give a fuck about the money. 哪还有心思管这种破事 Really? 真的啊 Not at all? 一点也不想吗 Think you will. 我觉得你会的
《你好布拉德》精讲05 谈话结束
We're not poor, Brad. 我们又不穷 布拉德 In some circles, yeah. 在某些圈子里 是不穷 Oh, what circles? The one percent? 你想进什么圈子 千里挑一吗 We have a great life. 咱们过得挺好的 Go to sleep. 快睡吧 Do you thi
《你好布拉德》精讲06 布拉德与儿子
You have ten minutes. 给你十分钟时间 Uh, yeah, I'm ready. I just got to put on my clothes. 我这都弄好了 穿个衣服就行 Can you give me a second? 你能让我待会吗 Yeah. 哦 You have, like, the body of a man now. 我说你 体格像
《你好布拉德》精讲07 平庸的生活
You have all the hotel information, right? 酒店的资料你都拿到了吧 Yeah, Mom. It's on my phone. 拿到了 妈 都在我手机上 Would you forward it to your dad? 能发给你爸吗 I don't think he has any sense of the schedule. Do you, Br
《你好布拉德》精讲08 机场送行
This is not where I thought I'd be. 我觉得我不属于这里 It's not the life I imagined. 这也不是我想要的生活 Oh, honey, this is gonna be so cool. 儿子 这次肯定会一切顺利 This is great. 多好啊 Mom, I think I'm just gonna
《你好布拉德》精讲09 登机遭排斥
Economy entrance is that line. 经济舱入口排那边 But, uh, I have a, uh, Silver Flyer card. 等等 我这有 啊 银牌会员卡 It's Gold and Platinum only. 金卡和白金卡才能过 Next, please. 下一位 Enjoy your flight. 旅途愉快 Yo
《你好布拉德》精讲10 办理升舱手续
Oh! Good news. There are two seats available in business. 啊 很幸运 商务舱还有两个空座 Can I see your tickets, please? 票给我看下可以吗 Awesome. 太棒了 Yeah. Thank you. 好的 谢谢 Yeah. I was hoping to put it on my miles. 可
《你好布拉德》精讲11 升舱失败
Mr. Sloan, actually... 斯洛恩先生对吧 ...unfortunately, we can't upgrade you. 实在抱歉 这升舱办不了 I'm sorry. 您见谅 What? Why not? 为什么啊 Seems as though you bought those tickets on a discounted website, 你这票是从低价
《你好布拉德》精讲12 扔不扔卡
Sorry I couldn't get us the upgrade. 抱歉没办成升舱 It's not a big deal. 没事的 Silver Flyer card. 银牌会员... Means nothing. 有屁用啊 Gets you nothing at all. 一点好处都不给 Well, then get rid of it. 那就别用它了 Yeah,
《你好布拉德》精讲13 幻想中的富人生活
And now Jason Hatfield has his own private plane. 杰森哈特菲尔德现在又有了私人飞机 Never has to fly commercial at all. 机票都不用买了 Nick Pascale probably flies private, too. 尼克帕斯卡八成也是专机接送 Must be nic
《你好布拉德》精讲14 回忆大学生活
Dad, can I get some Pringles? They're seven dollars. 爸 我能吃点薯片吗 要七块钱 Yeah. I need your credit card. 吃吧 你信用卡给我一下 There are 45 minutes left on the flight. 飞机将在45分钟后着陆 Keep your seat belt fast
《你好布拉德》精讲15 对比老婆
My thoughts turned to Melanie. 我又想到梅勒妮 It's unbelievable. 开玩笑 It's fucked up. 全乱套了 They've got kids... little elementary school kids... 他们还有孩子 小孩 还没上小学 doing these massshooting drills in their sch