In January 2021, President Trump signed into law the Deborah Sampson Act, a comprehensive bill named after the woman who posed as a man during the Revolutionary War in order to serve in the Continental Army. The law includes provisions to monitor and...
In 2011, the Veterans Benefits Administration lowered the threshold of evidence for veterans to prove they were sexually assaulted, which helps them qualify for PTSD-related disability benefits. A 2018 report by the V.A. Inspector General found that...
Yet the way nature alters things is also profoundly haphazard. Sometimes a plant will acquire one trait at the expense of another. Sometimes it actually becomes worse. The same is true for agricultural crossbreeding. Not only is there no way to contr...
Despite that, plant geneticists tend not to be overly concerned about the risks of G.M.O.s, as long as the modifications are made with some care. As a 2016 report by the National Academy of Sciences found, G.M.O.s were generally safe, though it allow...
In recent years, many environmental groups have also quietly walked back their opposition as evidence has mounted that existing G.M.O.s are both safe to eat and not inherently bad for the environment. 近年来,许多环保组织也悄悄地撤回了...
The bill that Gillibrand reintroduced in April, the Military Justice Improvement and Increasing Prevention Act, has far more bipartisan support than ever. 吉利布兰德在四月份重新提出的《军事司法改进和加强预防法案》得到了前...
For decades, sexual assault and harassment have festered through the ranks of the armed forces with military leaders repeatedly promising reform and then failing to live up to those promises. Women remain a distinct minority, making up only 16.5 perc...
Yet the way nature alters things is also profoundly haphazard. Sometimes a plant will acquire one trait at the expense of another. Sometimes it actually becomes worse. The same is true for agricultural crossbreeding. Not only is there no way to contr...
Despite that, plant geneticists tend not to be overly concerned about the risks of G.M.O.s, as long as the modifications are made with some care. As a 2016 report by the National Academy of Sciences found, G.M.O.s were generally safe, though it allow...
In recent years, many environmental groups have also quietly walked back their opposition as evidence has mounted that existing G.M.O.s are both safe to eat and not inherently bad for the environment. 近年来,许多环保组织也悄悄地撤回了...
By 2003, RoundUp Ready corn and soy seeds dominated the market, and Monsanto had become the largest producer of genetically engineered seeds, responsible for more than 90 percent of G.M.O. crops planted globally. 到2003年,抗草甘膦玉米和大豆...
Since their introduction in the mid-1990s, G.M.O.s have remained wildly unpopular with consumers,自上世纪90年代中期推出以来,转基因生物在消费者中一直不受欢迎,who see them as dubious tools of Big Ag, with potentially sin...
You've talked in the past about the importance of Roots as a key moment of recognition for the Black experience in American culture. Is there a particular aspect of the Black experience in America that you feel is still being ignored by the culture i...
I might sprinkle in another, so be ready. OK, your two great acting roles were in Roots and Star Trek. In between those two shows, you started doing Reading Rainbow. Those projects were all so indelible in their way that I could imagine being pigeonh...
I don't really know how well the book sold, but I think it's fair to say that it's obscure. Is it possible that the public wasn't eager to accept the side of your sensibility that it represented? I was surprised by the violence, the allusions to sexu...