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  • 新奇事件簿 中俄领先研发高超声速巡航导弹 The U.S. military is worried about China and Russia developing hypersonic missiles. These are missiles that can travel between five and twenty times the speed of sound. Both Russia and China are developing the missile a lot faster than the United Sta
  • 新奇事件簿 NFL首次迎来男性啦啦队员 Fans of the USA's National Football League (NFL) will soon be in for a surprise. For the first time ever, an NFL team will have male cheerleaders in its ranks. The Los Angeles Rams have recruited two men as part of its official spirit squad (the term
  • 新奇事件簿 机器人帮助私人订制家具 Robots are taking over more and more aspects of our lives, and jobs. The latest occupation to perhaps feel threatened by the march of technology is carpentry. For thousands of years, skilled carpenters have lovingly created furniture from wood. Howev
  • 新奇事件簿 科技弱化儿童握住铅笔的能力 A study shows that new technology is reducing children's ability to use a pencil or pen. The study is from the National Health Service in the UK. Researchers said that nowadays, children spend so much time swiping iPads or mobile phone screens that t
  • 新奇事件簿 种子库保卫世界食物供应的未来 A special vault storing the world's most precious seeds has now amassed over one million different plant varieties. It recently took delivery of a consignment of seeds from 70,000 different crops. Global Seed Vault is buried deep in an icy mountain i
  • 新奇事件簿 冰岛第一夫人身着夹克出席典礼 The First Lady of Iceland, Eliza Reid, has turned heads at a movie awards ceremony. Fashion reporters said Ms Reid wore a stunning black jacket to the Edda Awards - Iceland's version of Hollywood's Academy Awards. Ms Reid wore black to show her suppo
  • 新奇事件簿 巴西前任总统入狱 Brazil's former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is in jail after surrendering to authorities on Saturday night. He was sentenced to spend 12 years behind bars after being found guilty of money laundering and corruption. It is a huge fall from gra
  • 新奇事件簿 法国帮助建造沙特阿拉伯第一家歌剧院 Saudi Arabia will soon have its very first national orchestra and opera. France will help Saudi to set up the musical groups. The two countries signed a series of agreements on Monday to boost cultural ties, and cooperation through the arts. France's
  • 新奇事件簿 日本发现足量稀土金属 Japanese researchers have discovered enough reserves of rare-earth metals (REMs) to satisfy global demand for up to 700 years. Oceanographers surveyed the deep-sea mud on the Pacific Ocean floor near Japan's Ogasawara Islands, which are about 2,000 k
  • 新奇事件簿 晚睡坏处多 A new study says that going to bed late may be bad for our health. It may even shorten our life. The study was carried out in the United Kingdom. Researchers spent six-and-a-half years looking at the lifestyles of 430,000 adults between the ages of 3
  • 新奇事件簿 中国某社交媒体撤销同性恋禁令 One of China's largest social media sites, Weibo, has reversed a ban on users posting online content related to LGBT issues. On Friday, the social networking giant issued a statement announcing that for the next three months, it would be deleting ima
  • 新奇事件簿 获普利策音乐奖的首位说唱歌手 The American rapper and songwriter Kendrick Lamar has become the first non-classical or jazz musician to win the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for music. The annual award is given to musicians who have created a distinguished musical composition. Lamar
  • 新奇事件簿 斯威士兰王国更名为伊斯瓦蒂尼 The king of the tiny African nation of Swaziland has changed his country's name to eSwatini. The new name means land of the Swazis in the local Swati language. King Mswati III is an absolute monarch, which means he has the power to manage his country
  • 新奇事件簿 传奇摩托车制造商提供梦幻工作 There is a special job opening for eight people who love riding motorbikes, enjoy long, hot summers, and like feeling the wind in their hair. The position is a summer internship for the legendary motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson. The company is looki
  • 新奇事件簿 孩子为何不知疲惫 Have you ever wondered why children always seem to have bags of energy and never run out of steam? Researchers have discovered that children have the stamina and levels of recovery of endurance athletes. In fact, scientists say children's muscles rec