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  • 乔布斯传 第494期:连点成线(5) Jobs never forgave Adobe, and a decade later he got into a public war with the company by not permitting Adobe Flash to run on the iPad. 乔布斯永远都不会原谅Adobe,十年后,他向Adobe发起了一场公开的战争--不允许Adobe Flash在
  • 乔布斯传 第495期:连点成线(6) The idea of the digital hub quickly came into focus. 数字中枢的创意很快清晰起来。 I first understood this with the camcorder, Jobs said. 乔布斯说:我是通过摄像机才理解到这一点的。 Using iMovie makes your camcorder t
  • 乔布斯传 第496期:连点成线(7) The beauty of this realization was that there was only one company that was well-positioned to provide such an integrated approach. 这个方案的绝妙之处在于,苹果是唯一一家提供这种整合方案的公司。 Microsoft wrote software
  • 乔布斯传 第497期:连点成线(8) Jobs knew digital photography was also about to explode, 乔布斯意识到,数码照相也是一个即将爆发的领域, so Apple developed ways to make the computer the hub of your photos. 所以苹果也开发了一些让计算机成为照片中
  • 乔布斯传 第498期:iTunes(1) iTunes iTunes It didn't take Jobs long to realize that music was going to be huge 不久,乔布斯就意识到音乐将是一笔大生意。 By 2000 people were ripping music onto their computers from CDs, 2000年时,人们正热衷于把音乐从
  • 乔布斯传 第499期:iTunes(2) That is when Bill Kincaid came in. 这时,比尔金凯德出现了。 A former Apple software engineer, he was driving to a track in Willows, California, 他之前是苹果公司的软件工程师,有一天,他一边驱车前往加州的威洛斯
  • 乔布斯传 第500期:iTunes(3) Jobs personally worked with them to transform SoundJam into an Apple product. 乔布斯亲自上阵,和他们三人合作,把SoundJam变成了苹果产品。 It was laden with all sorts of features, and consequently a lot of complex screens. 它的
  • 乔布斯传 第501期:iPod(1) The iPod iPod The next step for the digital hub strategy was to make a portable music player. 数字中枢战略的下一步就是制造一个便携式音乐播放器。 Jobs realized that Apple had the opportunity to design such a device in tandem w
  • 乔布斯传 第502期:iPod(2) Jobs began pushing for a portable music player in the fall of 2000, 2000年秋天,乔布斯开始督促设计便携式音乐播放器, but Rubinstein responded that the necessary components were not available yet. He asked Jobs to wait. 但是鲁宾
  • 乔布斯传 第503期:iPod(3) Tony Fadell was a brash entrepreneurial programmer 托尼法德尔是一个傲慢的程序设计师,也是一个创业者, with a cyberpunk look and an engaging smile who had started three companies while still at the University of Michigan. 他喜
  • 乔布斯传 第504期:iPod(4) Fadell assumed that he was being hired to work on a personal digital assistant, some successor to the Newton. 法德尔原以为他是去做PDA(个人数字助理),也许是牛顿(苹果之前尝试研发的PDA)的后继型号。 But when h
  • 乔布斯传 第505期:iPod(5) He decided to force Fadell's hand. 鲁宾斯坦决定来硬的。 He gathered a roomful of the twenty or so people who had been assigned to the project. 他召集了一屋子的人,大约有二十几个,这些人都是负责iPod项目的。 When
  • 乔布斯传 第506期:iPod(6) Fadell and Rubinstein were fated to clash because they both thought that they had fathered the iPod. 法德尔和鲁宾斯坦注定要发生冲突,因为他们都认为自己是iPod之父。 As Rubinstein saw it, he had been given the mission by Jo
  • 乔布斯传 第507期:就这个!(1) That's It! 就这个! There are certain meetings that are memorable both because they mark a historic moment 总有一些值得铭记的会议,不仅是因为它们标志了一个历史性的时刻, and because they illuminate the way a leader
  • 乔布斯传 第508期:就这个!(2) Instead Jobs liked to be shown physical objects that he could feel, inspect, and fondle. 乔布斯希望在展示中看到实物,这样他就能够触摸、检阅和把玩。 So Fadell brought three different models to the conference room; 为此法德