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  • 乔布斯传 第479期:苹果样板店(1) The Prototype 苹果样板店 When Jobs finally presented the idea, the board was not thrilled. 当乔布斯说出他开苹果零售店的设想时,董事会成员并未露出喜悦之情。 Gateway Computers was going down in flames after opening
  • 乔布斯传 第480期:苹果样板店(2) Jobs did have one supporter on the board. 在董事会里面,倒是有一个人一直都支持乔布斯。 In 1999 he had recruited the Bronx-born retailing prince Millard Mickey Drexler, 在1999年,乔布斯招来了布朗克斯区出生的零售界
  • 乔布斯传 第481期:苹果样板店(3) Sometimes he made Drexler, Larry Ellison, and other trusted friends come look. 有时,他也会让德雷克斯勒、拉里埃利森以及其他可以信赖的伙伴过来看看。 On too many weekends, when he wasn't making me watch new scenes from
  • 乔布斯传(MP3+中英字幕) 第482期:苹果样板店(4) When Drexler came to see the prototype, he had some criticisms: 德雷克斯勒看到接近完工的模拟商店之后,提出了一些批评: I thought the space was too chopped up and not clean enough. 空间太琐碎了,还不够干净。 The
  • 乔布斯传 第483期:苹果样板店(5) Johnson arrived at Jobs's office early that Tuesday and told him about his sudden insight that they needed to reconfigure the stores. 周一一大早,约翰逊就来到乔布斯的办公室,告诉丁他那临时冒出的关于重新组织商店格局
  • 乔布斯传(MP3+中英字幕) 第484期:苹果样板店(6) Jobs liked to tell the story -- and he did so to his team that day 乔布斯喜欢向人们讲述故事--那天,他对团队也讲了这些故事, about how everything that he had done correctly had required a moment when he hit the rewind button
  • 乔布斯传 第485期:木材 石头 钢铁 玻璃(1) Wood, Stone, Steel, Glass 木材,石头,钢铁,玻璃 On May 19, 2001, the first Apple store opened in Tyson's Corner, Virginia, 2001年5月19日,第一家苹果零售店在弗吉尼亚州的泰森角开业了。 with gleaming white counters,
  • 乔布斯传 第486期:木材 石头 钢铁 玻璃(2) Jobs particularly focused on the staircases, which echoed the one he had built at NeXT. 乔布斯尤其关注楼梯的设计,苹果零售店的楼梯和他以前为NeXT办公楼设计的楼梯如出一辙。 When he visited a store as it was being
  • 乔布斯传 第487期:木材 石头 钢铁 玻璃(3) Another notable feature of the stores was the Genius Bar. 苹果零售店的另一个特色就是天才吧。 Johnson came up with the idea on a two-day retreat with his team. 这是约翰逊和他的团队用两天外出静思的时间想出来的。
  • 乔布斯传 第488期:木材 石头 钢铁 玻璃(4) Many of Jobs's passions came together for Manhattan's Fifth Avenue store, which opened in 2006: 苹果位于曼哈顿第五大道上的零售店在2006年开业,这家新开张的店面把乔布斯的很多创意激情集结到了一起: a cube,
  • 乔布斯传 第489期:木材 石头 钢铁 玻璃(5) In July 2011, a decade after the first ones opened, there were 326 Apple stores. 2011年,第一批苹果零售店开业10年之后,全世界已经有317家苹果零售店。 The biggest was in London's Covent Garden, the tallest in Tokyo's Ginza.
  • 乔布斯传 第490期:连点成线(1) Connecting the Dots 连点成线 Once a year Jobs took his most valuable employees on a retreat, which he called The Top 100. 每年,乔布斯都会带着他最有价值的员工进行一次百杰外出集思会。 They were picked based on a simpl
  • 乔布斯传 第491期:连点成线(2) By 2001 Apple had revived its personal computer offerings. It was now time to think different. 到2001年,苹果已经为自身的计算机产品做了不少创新。现在是非同凡想的时候了。 A set of new possibilities topped the what-ne
  • 乔布斯传 第492期:连点成线(3) It was at that moment that Jobs launched a new grand strategy that would transform Apple 就在这个时候,乔布斯宣布了一项新的重大战略,这不仅将改变苹果, and with it the entire technology industry. 也将影响到整个技术
  • 乔布斯传 第493期:连点成线(4) FireWire 火线 Jobs's vision that your computer could become your digital hub 乔布斯关于计算机将成为数字中枢这个设想, went back to a technology called FireWire, which Apple developed in the early 1990s. 要追溯到苹果公司在