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  • 乔布斯传 第524期:华纳音乐(5) So Jobs set out to create an iTunes Store and to persuade the five top record companies to allow digital versions of their songs to be sold there. 就这样,乔布斯开始创立iTunes商店,并争取五大唱片公司的数字音乐的销售权。
  • 乔布斯传 第525期:华纳音乐(6) 搜索 复制 Jobs also insisted that the iTunes Store would sell individual songs, not just entire albums. 乔布斯还坚持在iTunes商店出售单首歌曲,而不仅是整张专辑。 That ended up being the biggest cause of conflict with the r
  • 乔布斯传 第526期:华纳音乐(7) 搜索 复制 At the heart of the problem was a chasm between the people who loved technology and those who loved artistry. 问题的核心是热爱科技的人和热爱艺术的人之间的分歧。 Jobs loved both, as he had demonstrated at Pixar a
  • 乔布斯传 第527期:华纳音乐(8) 搜索 复制 Jobs had a long relationship with Barry Schuler, the CEO of the AOL unit of Time Warner, 乔布斯与时代华纳旗下的AOL的CEO巴里舒勒是老交情, and began to pick his brain about how to get the music labels into the propos
  • 乔布斯传 第528期:华纳音乐(9) 搜索 复制 Ames had just lost a boardroom battle to have his corporation's AOL division improve its own fledgling music download service. 艾姆斯之前在一次董事会会议中提出,希望集团的AOL部门能够提升他们刚起步的音乐
  • 乔布斯传 第529期:放养猫(1) 搜索 复制 Herding Cats 放养猫 The key player to enlist was Doug Morris, head of the Universal Music Group. 环球音乐集团的CEO道格莫里斯是他们要拉拢的关键人物。 His domain included must-have artists such as U2, Eminem, an
  • 乔布斯传 第530期:放养猫(2) 搜索 复制 Morris was convinced that Jobs had the technical vision that was lacking at the music companies. 莫里斯承认乔布斯具有唱片公司普遍缺乏的技术视野。 Of course we have to rely on Steve Jobs to do this, he told his ow
  • 乔布斯传 第531期:放养猫(3) 搜索 复制 Jobs could be extraordinarily charming when he wanted to be, 乔布斯也可以在自己愿意时表现出超乎寻常的好脾气, and he turned it on when Iovine flew out to Cupertino for a demo. 在约维内飞到库比蒂诺来会面
  • 乔布斯传 第532期:放养猫(4) 搜索 复制 Indeed Sony provided a clear counterexample to Apple. 实际上,索尼给苹果提供了一个清晰的反面教材。 It had a consumer electronics division that made sleek products and a music division with beloved artists (includin
  • 乔布斯传 第533期:放养猫(5) 搜索 复制 Jobs would agree with Lack in many of their conversations 乔布斯可以和拉克在许多问题上达成一致, and claim that he wanted to be a true partner with the music companies. 他也对拉克表示,想要成为音乐公司真
  • 乔布斯传 第534期:放养猫(6) 搜索 复制 Jobs tried hard to seduce Lack. 乔布斯也在努力拉拢拉克。 During one visit to New York, he invited Lack to his penthouse at the Four Seasons hotel. 一次在纽约出差期间,他邀请拉克来他住的四季酒店顶楼的套
  • 乔布斯传 第535期:放养猫(7) 搜索 复制 Before the launch of iTunes, Jobs met with almost two dozen major artists, including Bono, Mick Jagger, and Sheryl Crow. 在iTunes发布之前,乔布斯约见了至少20多位主流歌手,包括波诺、米克贾格尔,以及雪儿克
  • 乔布斯传 第536期:放养猫(8) 搜索 复制 Jobs unveiled the iTunes Store on April 28, 2003, at San Francisco's Moscone Center. 乔布斯在2003年4月28日推出了iTunes商店,发布会在旧金山的莫斯康尼会议中心举行。 With hair now closely cropped and recedin
  • 乔布斯传 第537期:放养猫(9) 搜索 复制 After a lot of negotiating with the record companies, he said, 在和一些唱片公司进行了很多轮谈判之后,他说: they were willing to do something with us to change the world. 他们想加入我们,和我们一起改变
  • 乔布斯传 第538期:微软公司(1) 搜索 复制 Microsoft 微软公司 We were smoked. That was the blunt email sent to four colleagues by Jim Allchin, the Microsoft executive in charge of Windows development, 我们被干掉了。这是微软公司负责Windows系统开发的主管吉