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  • 乔布斯传 第509期:就这个!(3) Next it was Phil Schiller's turn. Can I bring out my idea now? he asked. 接下来轮到了菲尔席勒发言:下面来说说我的点子。 He left the room and returned with a handful of iPod models, 他走出房间,然后拿来一堆iPod的模型
  • 乔布斯传 第510期:就这个!(4) He would go over each screen of the user interface and apply a rigid test: 他会浏览用户界面的每一个页面,并且会作严格的测试: If he wanted a song or a function, he should be able to get there in three clicks. 如果要找某一
  • 乔布斯传 第511期:就这个!(5) One key insight Jobs had was that as many functions as possible should be performed using iTunes on your computer rather than on the iPod. 乔布斯还有一个重要的观点,那就是应该把尽可能多的功能集合在iTunes软件里,用计算
  • 乔布斯传 第512期:就这个!(6) The most Zen of all simplicities was Jobs's decree, which astonished his colleagues, 所有的简洁中最为玄妙的是乔布斯让同事们大吃一惊的一个决定: that the iPod would not have an on-off switch. iPod上不能有开关键。 I
  • 乔布斯传 第513期:白鲸的白(1) The Whiteness of the Whale 白鲸的白 Jony Ive had been playing with the foam model of the iPod and trying to conceive what the finished product should look like 乔尼艾弗一直在摆弄iPod的泡沫模型,反复设想成品的样子, when a
  • 乔布斯传 第514期:白鲸的白(2) Lee Clow's advertising team at TBWA\Chiat\Day wanted to celebrate the iconic nature of the iPod and its whiteness 李克劳所在的TBWA\Chiat\Day广告公司的团队希望凸显iPod的独特内涵和白色外壳, rather than create more tradition
  • 乔布斯传 第515期:白鲸的白(3) He suggested to Duncan Milner, the creative director, 他建议创意总监邓肯米尔纳说, that they all stand firmly at the far left end, to see if they could get Jobs to gravitate there. 大家都要坚定地站在最左边,看能否把乔布
  • 乔布斯传 第516期:白鲸的白(4) Jobs realized that there was yet another advantage to the fact that Apple had an integrated system of computer, software, and device. 乔布斯意识到iPod还有一个优势,那就是苹果品牌是一个可以把计算机、软件和设备整合起
  • 乔布斯传 第517期:白鲸的白(5) The television ads showed the iconic silhouettes dancing to songs picked by Jobs, Clow, and Vincent. 电视广告决定使用乔布斯、克劳和文森特商定的舞者的剪影,配合着背景音乐。 Finding the music became our main fun at ou
  • 乔布斯传 第518期:白鲸的白(6) Jobs unveiled the iPod on October 23, 2001, at one of his signature product launch events. 2001年10月23日,乔布斯以他那标志性的产品发布会隆重推出了iPod。 Hint: It's not a Mac, the invitation teased. 邀请函上开玩笑般地写
  • 乔布斯传 第519期:白鲸的白(7) Not since the original Mac had a clarity of product vision so propelled a company into the future. 自第一代Mac电脑诞生以来,还没有哪个产品能够有如此清晰的愿景,并有力地推动了公司的未来发展。 If anybody was
  • 乔布斯传 第520期:华纳音乐(1) Warner Music 华纳音乐 At the beginning of 2002 Apple faced a challenge. 2002年初,苹果公司遇到了一个挑战。 The seamless connection between your iPod, iTunes software, and computer made it easy to manage the music you already owned.
  • 乔布斯传 第521期:华纳音乐(2) It was not an easy meeting. 会议进行得并不顺利。 Vidich had a cold and was losing his voice, so his deputy, Kevin Gage, began the presentation. 维迪奇因为感冒喉咙嘶哑,所以他让助理凯文凯奇来作介绍。 Jobs, sitting
  • 乔布斯传 第522期:华纳音乐(3) You know Steve, he has his own agenda, Sony's CEO Nobuyuki Idei explained to Red Herring editor Tony Perkins. 索尼公司的CEO出井伸之在接受《红绯鱼》杂志的编辑安东尼帕金斯采访时说:你知道史蒂夫,他有自己的打算
  • 乔布斯传 第523期:华纳音乐(4) At this point Jobs could have decided simply to indulge piracy. 本来,乔布斯完全可以放任盗版的存在。 Free music meant more valuable iPods. 免费音乐意味着能卖掉更多的iPod。 Yet because he really liked music, and the art