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  • 乔布斯传 第554期:他的iPod里面有什么歌(3) 搜索 复制 His iPod selections were those of a kid from the seventies with his heart in the sixties. 这只iPod中的歌曲反映出他的主人是一个生活在20世纪70年代但心却埋在60年代的孩子。 There were Aretha, B. B. King, Bu
  • 乔布斯传 第555期:他的iPod里面有什么歌(4) 搜索 复制 His favorites did not change over the years. 那些年,他的喜好并没有太大改变。 When the iPad 2 came out in March 2011, he transferred his favorite music to it. 2011年3月,iPad 2面市时,他把他喜欢的音乐转存到
  • 乔布斯传 第556期:他的iPod里面有什么歌(5) 搜索 复制 He then jumped from the sublime to the sixties: Donovan's Catch the Wind. 然后他从宏伟的古典乐跳到了20世纪60年代,播放了多诺万的《捕风》。 When he noticed me look askance, he protested, Donovan did some rea
  • 乔布斯传 第557期:他的iPod里面有什么歌(6) 搜索 复制 These days, he said, he thought more about getting older than about his birth. 他说,那段日子,他想的更多的是关于成长,而不是自己的身世。 That led him to play Joni Mitchell's greatest song, Both Sides Now, w
  • 乔布斯传 第558期:他的iPod里面有什么歌(7) 搜索 复制 Jobs liked Mayer and occasionally had him over for dinner in Palo Alto. 乔布斯很喜欢梅尔,还偶尔请他在帕洛奥图吃晚饭。 When he was twenty-seven, Mayer appeared at the January 2004 Macworld, 梅尔在27岁时参加了
  • 乔布斯传 第559期:鲍勃·迪伦(1) 搜索 复制 Bob Dylan 鲍勃迪伦 The only time Jobs can ever recall being tongue-tied was in the presence of Bob Dylan. 在乔布斯的记忆中,唯一让他紧张得舌头打结的时刻就是见到鲍勃迪伦。 He was playing near Palo Alto
  • 乔布斯传 第560期:鲍勃·迪伦(2) 搜索 复制 The next time Dylan played nearby, he invited Jobs to drop by his tricked-up tour bus just before the concert. 迪伦再一次到附近演出时,他邀请乔布斯在演出前到他乘的旅行车上来坐坐。 When Dylan asked what
  • 乔布斯传 第561期:鲍勃·迪伦(3) 搜索 复制 Okay, then I will call Dylan directly, Jobs said. 乔布斯说:那好吧,我直接给迪伦打电话。 But it was not the type of thing that Dylan ever dealt with, so it fell to his agent, Jeff Rosen, to sort things out. 但是迪伦
  • 乔布斯传 第562:鲍勃·迪伦(4) 搜索 复制 By 2006, however, Lack had stepped aside as the CEO of what was by then Sony BMG, and Jobs reopened negotiations. 不过,到2006年,拉克卸任索尼BMG的CEO,乔布斯开始了新一轮谈判。 He sent Dylan an iPod with all of
  • 乔布斯传 第563期:鲍勃·迪伦(5) 搜索 复制 As part of the deal, Dylan appeared in a television ad for the iPod, featuring his new album, Modern Times. 作为交易的一部分,迪伦还拍了一部关于iPod的电视广告,并推广他的新专辑《摩登时代》。 This w
  • 乔布斯传 第564期:鲍勃·迪伦(6) 搜索 复制 Jobs became obsessed by every detail of the Dylan commercial. 乔布斯开始格外关注迪伦广告的每一个细节。 Rosen flew to Cupertino so that they could go through the album and pick the song they wanted to use, which ended
  • 乔布斯传 第565期:披头士(1) 搜索 复制 The Beatles 披头士 Among Jobs's prized CDs was a bootleg that contained a dozen or so taped sessions of the Beatles revising Strawberry Fields Forever. 在乔布斯珍贵的CD收藏中,有一张是自制的专辑,里面是约翰列
  • 乔布斯传 第566期:披头士(2) 搜索 复制 They did a bundle of work between each of these recordings. 他们在每两次录音的中间都会做很多工作。 They kept sending it back to make it closer to perfect. 他们不断地倒同、修改,直到接近完美。 As he l
  • 乔布斯传 第567期:披头士(3) 搜索 复制 The Beatles kept their end of the bargain; none of them ever produced any computers. 披头士乐队遵守了约定,没有一个成员参与计算机行业。 But Apple ended up wandering into the music business. 但是苹果计算机公
  • 乔布斯传 第568期:波诺(1) 搜索 复制 Bono 波诺 Bono, the lead singer of U2, deeply appreciated Apple's marketing muscle. 波诺是U2乐队的主唱,他非常欣赏苹果的营销策略。 He was confident that his Dublin-based band was still the best in the world, 这支