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  • 新奇事件簿 普京警告称朝鲜将引发全球灾难 Russia's president Vladimir Putin has warned that the crisis over North Korea could cause a planetary catastrophe. He said if war broke out on the Korean Peninsular, there would be a huge loss of life. He told reporters at a meeting in China that tal
  • 新奇事件簿 日本开设榻榻米星巴克 Starbucks has opened a new coffee shop in Japan's ancient capital of Kyoto. It is unlike any other Starbucks in the world as it has three rooms with tatami the traditional straw matting that is used for floors in Japanese houses. There are no chairs
  • 新奇事件簿 南亚洪水1600万儿童处于危难中 The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has warned that an estimated 16 million children are in urgent need of life-saving support following the torrential monsoon rains and catastrophic flooding that have hit Bangladesh, India and Nepal. Up to a
  • 新奇事件簿 人们为什么打哈欠 Do you ever wonder why we yawn? Do you always yawn when you see other people yawn? A new study from Nottingham University in the UK has done research on this. Researchers found that yawning is contagious. It is a powerful and unstoppable reaction. Pe
  • 新奇事件簿 爱尔兰电视台被强制使用女王英语 Radio newsreaders and television presenters at Ireland's national broadcaster RTE are up in arms at being told to pronounce words according to the Queen's English. A report in The Irish Sun newspaper claims that RTE's broadcasters have been issued an
  • 新奇事件簿 新设备可以嗅探出炸弹和疾病 A Nigerian engineer and neuroscientist has created a revolutionary new computer that has artificial intelligence (AI). Dr Oshi Agabi has spent many years trying to make acomputer that can smell. He launched his start-up project last year and called i
  • 新奇事件簿 弗洛伊德·梅威瑟赢得拳击史上最贵的一战 Floyd Mayweather has won what was billed as the fight of the century, and the richest fight in boxing history. Mayweather took home a staggering $100 million for defeating Conor McGregor in 10 rounds in Las Vegas on Saturday. Thousands of spectators
  • 新奇事件簿 谷歌提供抑郁症自我评估服务 The search engine Google will soon start a service that lets people check their mental health online. People searching for depression on Google's search page will get a link to a questionnaire along with their search result. The questionnaire will ch
  • 新奇事件簿 咒骂可以让身体更强壮 Researchers have discovered that swearing and using bad or profane language can increase one's physical strength. The researchers are from Keele University in England. They conducted tests on 81 people to see the effect swearing had on their physical
  • 新奇事件簿 为拯救企鹅智利制止采矿项目 The government of Chile has rejected plans for a billion-dollar mining project because it would disrupt marine life. The area that was threatened with mining is home to 80 per cent of the world's Humboldt penguin. Other creatures that live in the wat
  • 新奇事件簿 因仇恨犯罪英国犹太人想要离开 Many Jews in Britain want to leave the country because of an increase in anti-Semitism hate crimes. Anti-Semitism is hostility towards or discrimination against Jews. It is a hate crime. A recent increase in anti-Semitism has made one third of Jewish
  • 新奇事件簿 追剧会导致睡眠问题 New research shows that binge-watching television can adversely affect your health. Binge-viewing involves excessive watching of back-to-back TV shows in a single sitting. It has become prevalent across the world with the advent of online streaming a
  • 新奇事件簿 男子找回订婚戒指招待5000人吃面条 A Chinese businessman treated 5,000 people to a free bowl of noodles because he found his lost $45,000 engagement ring. The man's name is Mr Wang. He was going to ask his girlfriend to marry him last Sunday. However, he lost the engagement ring. He t
  • 新奇事件簿 FBI局长认为自己被解雇是笑话 President Trump has fired James Comey, the now former Director and boss of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It is only the second time in US history for the boss of the FBI to be fired. Mr Comey at first thought the news of his firing was a
  • 新奇事件簿 科学家发现健康披萨新做法 Food scientists and dieticians have found new ways to make pizza that is good for you. This is very welcome news for overweight pizza lovers and those who worry about their weight. Researchers in the USA looked at different ways of baking the pizza b