英语新闻听写 苹果推以旧折新活动
Cracked screens on iPhones are no longer the end of the world. 屏幕受损不再是世界末日。 Apple's handy Reuse and Recycle trade-in program would allow Apple product devotees to trade in older iPhones that were in very good condition for a c
英语新闻听写 本杰瑞推出无乳口味冰淇淋
Popular ice cream brand Ben amp; Jerry's announced Wednesday an entirely new collection of treats made with almond milk, a dairy-free line targeted toward vegans and those with dietary restrictions. 周三,本杰瑞冰激凌推出杏仁奶口味,该
英语新闻听写 朱莉一袭黑裙走红毯,枯瘦如柴惊呆众人
Angelina Jolie Looking Skinnier Than Ever 朱莉一袭黑裙走红毯,枯瘦如柴惊呆众人 Angelina Jolie hit the red carpet over the weekend with a host of other celebrities for the Hollywood premiere of her film, Kung Fu Panda 3. 周末,安吉
英语新闻听写 麦当劳菜单又现奇葩料理
McDonald's to Serve Chocolate-Drizzled French Fries 麦当劳推出巧克力酱薯条 It appears late-night Frankenstein food experiments are making their way to McDonald's menus again. 麦当劳的菜单上又现奇葩料理。 Following in the trad
英语新闻听写 苹果或将推出4英寸iPhone 5se
Sources say, Apple is on target to introduce its next iPhone and iPad models on March 15, and aims to start selling the devices in the same week. 有消息人士指出,苹果将于3月15日推出全新iPhone和iPad,并于同一周首发。 Apple,
英语新闻听写 素描刻蚀玩具易主
The Ohio company that has produced or owned the Etch A Sketch for more than five decades has sold the classic toy to a Toronto-based toy firm. 《素描刻蚀》已有50多年的历史, 如今,这家俄亥俄公司将其卖给了多伦多玩具公司
英语新闻听写 海洋吸收热量,暂缓气温飙升?
Ocean Absorbs Heat Faster 全球海洋吸收热量大幅增加 The conclusion of a new study finds that Earths oceans now absorb heat at twice the rate they did 18 years ago. 最新研究发现:全球海洋现吸收热量的速率是18年前的两倍
英语新闻听写 日本112岁老人逝世,曾被认定世界最长寿男子
The World Oldest Man Dies at Age 112 世界最长寿老人去世 Officials said, the world's oldest man died Tuesday at the age of 112 after suffering chronic heart problems. 据报道,周二凌晨世界最长寿老人因慢性心功能衰竭去世,
英语新闻听写 软组织3D生物打印系统
According to United Press International, Scientists at Wake Forest University report they have found a way to print bone, muscle and cartilage tissue that allows blood to flow and cells to stay alive. 据美国合众国际新闻社报道,维克森林
英语新闻听写 苹果召回部分Type-C充电线
Apples 2015 MacBook gets recharged through the one port to rule them all USB-C port on its side, but some of Apples charging cables arent up to the task. 苹果2015款MacBook笔记本采用一接搞定的USB-C充电线,但许多苹果充电线质量不
英语新闻听写 阿富汗现真实版的罗密欧与朱丽叶
Real Life Romeo and Juliet in Afghanistan? 阿富汗现真实版的罗密欧与朱丽叶 Honor killings are still commonplace in Afghanistan. 在阿富汗地区,荣誉谋杀早已司空见惯。 Women have their lives taken for being caught alone w
英语新闻听写 女医师成为医学院教授的概率很小
Female Doctors 'significantly Less Likely' to Be Medical School Professors 女医师成为医学院教授的概率很小 Female physicians are significantly less likely than men to be made full professors at medical schools, a Harvard healthcare poli
英语新闻听写 叙利亚学校和医院遭空袭 数十人遇难
The United Nations reported that as many as 50 civilians were killed in airstrikes on seven schools and hospitals Monday in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Idlib. 联合国报告称,周一叙利亚阿勒颇和伊德利卜省七所学校和医院遭
英语新闻听写 特斯拉Model 3最低16.4万元起
Tesla's Model 3 could be the least expensive long-range electric vehicle to hit the market when it comes out, costing as little as $25,000 after tax incentives. 特斯拉Model 3或将成为售价最低电动汽车,除去减税优惠,Model 3售价仅
英语新闻听写 苹果确认首个海外研发中心
In the company's continuous effort to establish a more noticeable presence in India, Apple confirmed earlier today that it will be opening an Apple Maps-focused development center in Hyderabad. 为了在印度推广市场,苹果将在海德拉巴建立
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