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  • 英语新闻听写 健康人需要小剂量服用阿司匹林? New Recommendations Say More Americans Should Take Aspirin 健康人需要小剂量服用阿司匹林? New recommendations on taking aspirin are likely to stir up debate among doctors. 服用阿司匹林的建议一经发布便在医学界引发激烈
  • 英语新闻听写 后街男孩成员因酒后闹事被捕 Nick Carter Sued For 'Choking' Bouncer 后街男孩成员因酒后闹事被捕 Nick Carter is doing some soul searching over recent events. 后街男孩成员尼克.卡特因近期事件正深刻地自我反省。 Partly because he's being sued for a
  • 英语新闻听写 纽约市将新建轻轨系统 Officials from the mayor's office said in a statement on Tuesday that New York City will issue bonds to fund a $2.5 billion light rail system between the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. 市长办公室的官员周二在一份声明中表示,纽约市
  • 英语新闻听写 Apple Pay登陆中国 One of Apple's partner banks revealed on Chinese social media that Apple Pay will launch in China on Thursday, February 18. 苹果合作银行在社交平台发布消息,从2月18日周四起,Apple Pay将登陆中国。 A chatbot for the China Gu
  • 英语新闻听写 Uber在华损失惨重 According to its CEO, Uber is racking up tremendous losses in a high-stakes bid to make a dent in China's car-hailing market. 据优步总裁表示,为了在中国打的市场占领一席之地,优步在华损失惨重。 Travis Kalanick, the CEO
  • 英语新闻听写 你吃的牛肉健康吗? Are You Eating Dirty Ground Beef? 你吃的牛肉是否健康? Every time you eat a burger, you could be getting a side of bacteria with it. 每次吃汉堡,你多少会摄入一些细菌。 According to a survey by Consumer Reports, most packages of
  • 英语新闻听写 暴雪天气,熊猫也疯狂! Panda Love Blizzard! 暴雪天气,熊猫也疯狂! Winter storm Jonas is bringing a fair amount of misery to much of the East Coast, but is not all bad, 超强冬季风暴乔纳斯裹挟强风暴雪,袭击了美国东海岸大部分地区。 pa
  • 英语新闻听写 土耳其城市发生汽车炸弹袭击 Officials said a car bomb went off in the Turkish capital Wednesday near vehicles carrying military personnel, killing at least 28 people and wounding 61 others. 官员表示周三在土耳其首都,携带军事人员的车辆附近发生汽车炸弹
  • 英语新闻听写 苹果陷加密风波 On Tuesday, a federal judge ordered Apple to provide software encryption assistance to the FBI regarding the San Bernardino case. 周二,联邦法官要求苹果公司获取手机加密数据,而次裁定与圣贝纳迪诺枪击案有关。 Speci
  • 英语新闻听写 Vevo准备上线付费服务 Music video service, Vevo, which is owned by major labels Sony and Universal, is working on launching an ad-free subscription service some time this year. 音乐视频服务平台Vevo将于今年推无广告订阅服务,Vevo为环球和索尼音乐合
  • 英语新闻听写 环球小姐畅谈未来人生规划 Miss Universe Already Knows What She Wants to Do Next 环球小姐畅谈未来人生规划 After winning the Miss Universe contest, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach has her eyes set on her next big dream: being a Bond girl. 夺得环球小姐大赛桂冠之后,皮
  • 英语新闻听写 美国高中生吸食大麻又出新花样! Study Says High Schoolers Use E-Cigs to Smoke Weed 美国高中生吸食大麻又出新花样! Researchers report high school students are using e-cigarettes to secretly smoke cannabis. 研究人员称美国高中生利用电子烟吸食大麻。 A
  • 英语新闻听写 美夏威夷一直升机失控迫降珍珠港 A civilian helicopter plunged into the waters of Hawaii's Pearl Harbor on Thursday. 周四,一架民用直升机坠毁在夏威夷珍珠港水域。 The crash resulted in its five passengers being taken to hospital, including a teenage boy who was
  • 英语新闻听写 库尔德武装声称对安卡拉汽车炸弹事件负责 A Kurdish militant group has claimed responsibility for a car bomb attack in the Turkish capital Ankara which killed 28 people Wednesday. 周三,一库尔德武装组织声称对土耳其首都安卡拉汽车炸弹袭击事件负责,事故导致2
  • 英语新闻听写 NASA收到超过18,300名宇航员申请 On Friday, NASA announced that it received more applications than ever before for their astronaut corps. 周五,美国航空航天局宣布收到比以往更多的宇航员申请。 The applications were open from December 14th to February 18th and