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  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第46期 团聚(24) It's China's biggest party, TV on a huge scale, the Chunwan Gala. 这是中国最大的派对,宏大的电视节目,春节晚会 An epic extravaganza viewed by millions at New Year. 每年无数观众收看的盛大表演 It is the most watched T
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第47期 团聚(25) After a very lengthy selection process, 经过漫长的选拨 LI Yuhai and his martial art team from Shandong heard they had beaten the competition 来自山东的李玉海和他的武术队听说他们从选拨中胜出 and would be appearing on the
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第48期 团聚(26) The vast production line is a huge logistics challenge 庞大的演出阵容对后勤管理来说是个挑战 as over 1000 acts from all over China await their slot in the main studio. 来自中国各地的一千多名演员都在主演播室前等待自
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第49期 团聚(27) Nestled in the heart of the only landlocked district in Hong Kong is the astonishing Wong Tai Sin temple. 坐落在香港唯一内陆区中心的黄大仙祠,真是让人叹为观止 Which is home to three religions, Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhi
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第50期 团聚(28) To take me through the process, I am meeting Wilson Ao, 为了体验一番,我要见见威尔森 who has worked here for the past 30 years. 他在这里工作了30年 You have to kneel down here. OK. You done? Yeah. 你要跪在这里。好的。跪好
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第51期 团聚(29) The temple might seem tranquil today, 今天这庙宇看似挺平静的 but tonight, on New Year's Eve, it is a completely different story. 但在今晚的除夕夜里,那可完全是另一番景象了 Thousands of people queuing up outside the tem
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第52期 团聚(30) And these worshippers will stop at nothing to beat the crowd. 现在这些香客们将不计代价地挤过人潮 Is it like this every year? 这里每年都这样吗 Yes, every year. 是的,年年如此 Once they are inside, worshippers collect in
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第53期 团聚(31) Back in Beijing, the firecrackers are so loud, we are going to need subtitles. 回到北京,鞭炮爆竹实在太响了,我们只好配上字幕了 That was happy New Year from Hong Kong and this is happy New Year from Beijing. 刚才那是来自香
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第54期 欢庆(1) Welcome to Hong Kong. Tonight we are inviting you to the world's biggest party 欢迎来到香港。今晚我们邀请您参加世界上最大的盛会 as all over China families are geting together to celebrate Chinese New Year. 此时整个中华大地
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第55期 欢庆(2) In amongst the glazy buildings that line Victoria Harbour 在维多利亚港排成一线的玻璃建筑中 are older colonial buildings that were once the headquarters of the British Administration that ran Hong Kong. 夹杂着老旧的殖民地建筑,
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第56期 欢庆(3) Hong Kong is also one of the world's most important financial trading centres and is home to 55 billionaires. 香港还是世界上最重要的金融贸易中心之一,有55个亿万富翁 There are more Rolls-Royces per person in Hong Kong than an
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第57期 欢庆(4) This is Aberdeen Fish market. 这是香港仔鱼市场 It's the biggest wholesale fish market in the whole of Hong Kong 它是全香港最大的鱼类批发市场 and it's always busy but in the run-up to New Year it is absolutely frantic. 市场总是
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第58期 欢庆(5) Hong Kong began as a fishing village so I think people have become used to the idea that, 香港起初是个渔村,因此我觉得人们习惯于认为 you know, fish should be very fresh. 鱼就必须是新鲜的 I was just looking when you said h
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第59期 欢庆(6) It is five in the morning. And I've come to what feels like the very ends of the earth. 现在是早上5点。我来到了彷若天涯海角的地方 This is a way of life that has remained unchanged for centuries. 这是一种保持了数个世纪的生
  • 纪录片《中国春节》 第60期 欢庆(7) They start by cutting a big hole in the ice. 一开始他们在冰面上凿一个大洞 The first hole is critical, it's the entrance through which they will eventually feed the net. 第一洞至关重要,整张网就是通过它进入水下的 The