英语新闻听写 加州反对特朗普移民政策
On Tuesday newly inaugurated California governor Gavin Newsom spoke out about the anti-immigrant message president Donald Trump presented last week in his State of the Union speech, Huff Post reports. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,周二,新上任
英语新闻听写 美国经济下行?各大股市暴跌!
According to Reuters, the top markets on Wall Street slumped after the Commerce Department released disappointing economic data. 据路透社报道,美国商务部发布令人失望的经济数据之后,华尔街的主要股市纷纷暴跌。 By
英语新闻听写 希拉里嘲弄特朗普口号
According to Business Insider, Hillary Clinton accused President Donald Trump of copying her 2016 election slogan Stronger Together. 据《商业内幕网》报道,希拉里克林顿指责了特朗普总统抄袭她2016年的竞选口号在一起更强
英语新闻听写 Spotify进军印度音乐市场!
CNN reports that Spotify waited a year to launch in India, then took less than a week to sign up its first million users in the country. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,声田公司等了一年时间才在印度推出,然后仅花了不到一周
英语新闻听写 电子烟比其他烟更健康吗
Research has shown that vaping does have health benefits over smoking but does that make the practice safe? 研究表明电子烟确实比抽烟更健康,但是这能表明电子烟是安全的吗? According to Business Insider, experts say e-cig
英语新闻听写 美国国会欲结束边境争议
According to a report by Reuters, on Thursday, the US Congress aimed to end a dispute over border security with legislation 据路透社报道,周四,美国国会打算通过一项法案来结束边境安全问题上存在的争议。 that would
英语新闻听写 贝佐斯极不看好殖民火星
Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos recently gave a private talk about his aerospace company Blue Origin. 最近,亚马逊创始人兼CEO杰夫贝佐斯私下谈论了他的航空公司蓝色起源。 Business Insider reports that he said he wants to
英语新闻听写 古巴称美国向委内瑞拉派遣特种部队
According to Reuters, Cuba said that the United States was moving special forces closer to Venezuela as part of a covert plan to intervene in the chaotic South American country. 据路透社报道,古巴认为美国正向委内瑞拉附近派遣特种
英语新闻听写 巴菲特贝佐斯抱团进军医保行业
The joint health venture with JPMorgan, Berkshire Hathaway, and Amazon officially have a name for it, Haven. 摩根大通、伯克希尔哈撒韦和亚马逊联合投资的医疗保健公司正式命名为避风港。 The venture is led by Dr. Atul G
英语新闻听写 《百年孤独》将拍剧
Broadcasting Cable.com reports that Netflix has entered an agreement Broadcasting Cable.com报道称Netflix达成协议 to adapt the Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' to a Spanish-language TV series. 将把加夫列尔加西亚
英语新闻听写 Waymo出售激光雷达传感器技术
According to Digital Trends, Waymo wants to sell lidar sensor technology as well. 据Digital Trends报道,Waymo也想出售激光雷达传感器技术。 But they plan on selling their lidar technology to companies that don't manufacture vehicles. 但
英语新闻听写 FDA批准新型抗抑郁药物
UPI reports Food and Drug Administration has approved a prescription-only nasal spray to treat depression UPI报道称食品药品监督管理局(FDA)批准了鼻腔喷雾剂可用于治疗抑郁症 marking the first medical advancement in fighti
英语新闻听写 副总统确认自己新的办公室主任人选
According to a report by Reuters, US Vice President Mike Pence chose a familiar White House figure, Marc Short, to serve as his new chief of staff. 据路透社报道,美国副总统迈克彭斯选择了马克肖特作为他的新幕僚长,后者是
英语新闻听写 SpaceX载人龙飞船完成首次试飞
According to Gizmodo.com, SpaceX's new commercial astronaut capsule, the Crew Dragon, has completed its first test flight, falling into the Atlantic Ocean on Friday morning. 据Gizmodo.com报道,载人龙飞船是SpaceX的新的商业宇航员飞船,
英语新闻听写 苹果有望推出3款新iPhone
According to Business Insider, Apple is widely expected to debut three new iPhones in 2019 《商业内幕》消息称,苹果有望在2019年推出3款新iPhone and it sounds like one of the biggest changes will be in the phone's camera which is ex