销售报告在第一次便能向贵公司提出如此满意的报告, 甚感欣慰。我们保证对以后的船货, 以尽全力加以关注。 We are pleased that in this first instance, we have been enabled to give you such a satisfactory report,...
收到寄售品随函奉上亨利号货轮运来的 150包纺织品销售清单。贵公司应收额为3100美元, 现已记入贵公司贷方帐内。 Herewith I have the pleasure to hand you an account sales of 150 bales textiles received per s.s....
接受寄售我们经营纺织品已达二十年之久, 对市场十分熟悉, 我们能为贵公司产品找到销路。 Since we have been engaged in the textiles business for the past 20 years, we are quite familiar with the places where we can fi...
商品寄售贵公司寄售之30箱纺织品已安然抵达。廉价品的销路相当良好, 且目前价格稳定。因此,我相信能向贵公司提出满意的销售报告书。 Your consignment of 30c/s textiles arrived in good condition. Cheap...
寄售用语 寄售 consignment||consignment sale||sale on a consignment basis||commission sale ||venture||adventure 寄售品 consignment||consignment goods||consigned goods||an article consigned 寄售发票 consignment invoice 寄售通知书||发货...
申请代理从顾客处得悉, 贵公司拟在本市寻找代理, 我们特申请担任这项工作, 请酌定。 Hearing from our correspondent that you are looking form an agent in this city, we are pleased to apply for the post. 得悉贵公司准备...
转让业务我公司在伦敦的业务, 已卖给W.公司, 该公司决定于5月1日开始接管。 We have sold the business hitherto carried on in London, to Messrs. W., who will take over the business from the 1st May. 我公司已购买了B.公司...
股东去世由于我的朋友及合伙人T.去世, 我公司宣告解散。此后公司仅在清帐的短期内存在。 In consequence of the death of Mr. T., my much valued friend and partner, our late firm is dissolved, and the name will be conti...
通知书 业务清算 After the liquidation of the affairs of ..., the business will be carried on under the style of ... ... 公司业务经清算后, 将以... 名义进行营业。 同函附上B.公司的清算通告, 并通知我将以J.公司的名...
通知书 合并 下列署名人, 谨此通知各位顾客, 自即日起以前以F.与T.命名的两公司合并为B.公司,继续营业。 We the undersigned, herewith inform all our esteemed correspondents that the two firms which have carried on b...
通知书 新合伙人入伙 我已请多年在我公司担任经理的Y.先生做为我的合伙人。特此奉告。 I inform you that I have taken into partnership with Mr. Y., who has for many years acted as my manager. 公司名称不变业务照旧...
通知书 建立分公司 我最近在神田保町10番, 开设一毛织品分店, 谨此通知。 I inform you that I have recently opened a branch establishment for the sale of my woollens at 10, Jimbocho, Kanda. 随着本公司与中国贸易不断增...
通知书 开业通知 为了方便居住本地之顾客, 我方特在本地区开设分店, 以便供应品质可靠、款式新颖、价格公道的服装。恳请惠顾。 We have opened a new branch in this district, for the convenience of our cu...
一般商业书信 希望愿望 我们盼望着您的好消息。 We hope to hear from you favourably. 您在商场上如有需求, 即盼来函询价。 I hope to receive your inquiries when in the market. 我们希望能收到您的订单。 We hop...
一般商业书信 感谢 承告知该若干套不合格产品, 我方愿妥善处理不误。 We appreciate your telling us about the defective sets, and are glad to make things right. 在感谢您过去惠予支持的同时, 希望对我新公司也继...