2021年经济学人 2021诺贝尔奖(1)
Science and Technology 科技版块 The 2021 Nobel science prizes and the winners are...... 2021年诺贝尔科学奖的获得者是 This years Nobel prizes brought both delight and disbelief 今年的诺贝尔奖让人既高兴又难以置信 Import
2021年经济学人 2021诺贝尔奖(2)
The chemistry prize was shared by Benjamin List, of the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, in Mlheim an der Ruhr, and David MacMillan, of Princeton University. 诺贝尔化学奖由位于鲁尔河畔米尔海姆州马克斯普朗克煤炭研究所
2021年经济学人 2021诺贝尔奖(3)
The idea that there are five senses goes back at least as far as Aristotle. But it is not quite true. 人有五种感官的想法至少可以追溯到亚里士多德。但这样说也并不完全准确。 Four of the senses are obvious, if only becau
2021年经济学人 智利总统宣布南部两区进入紧急状态
The world this week -- Politics 本周国际要闻政治 Chiles president, Sebastian Pinera, declared a state of emergency for 15 days in two southern regions. 智利总统塞巴斯蒂安皮涅拉宣布南部两个地区进入为期15天的紧急状态
2021年经济学人 为应对供应链危机,洛杉矶港口将24小时运营
The world this week -- Business 本周国际要闻商业 Americas annual inflation rate climbed again in September, to 5.4%, having dipped slightly in August. 美国的年通货膨胀率在8月份略有下降,9月份再次攀升至5.4%。 In its la
2021年经济学人 疫情带来的工人工资上涨
Finance and Economics 财经版块 Labour costs 工人成本 The pandemic pay rise 疫情导致工资上涨 Wages are surging across the rich world 发达国家的工资正在飙升 What it means for the economic recovery 这对经济复苏意味着什
2021年经济学人 美国通货膨胀的根源
Finance and Economics 财经版块 Inflation in America 美国的通货膨胀 Rental resurgence 租赁死灰复燃 Yet another upward force on American inflation: the housing boom 促进美国通货膨胀的另一股力量是房地产繁荣 FROM ENER
2021年经济学人 《我们创造的生活》书评
Books and Arts -- Book Review 文学与艺术书评 Rare foods -- Refined tastes 稀有的食物精致的口味 Eating to Extinction. By Dan Saladino. 《吃到灭绝》,作者:丹萨拉迪诺。 The French eat foie gras, the Icelandic devour hak
2021年经济学人 《美丽世界,你在哪里》书评(1)
Books and Arts 文学与艺术 Book Review 书评 Irish fiction - the trouble with normality 爱尔兰小说正常的麻烦 Sally Rooney's new novel pushes her technique to its logical extreme 萨莉鲁尼的新小说将她的技巧推向了逻辑的极
2021年经济学人 《美丽世界,你在哪里》书评(2)
In Normal People especially, Ms Rooney (who is still only 30) combined simplicity with sparkle. 尤其是在《正常人》中,年仅30岁的鲁尼将简洁与智慧闪光点结合在一起。 But her new book pushes her devotion to ordinariness to
2021年经济学人 《伦敦黏土:城市深处之旅》书评
London Clay: Journeys in the Deep City. By Tom Chivers. 《伦敦黏土:城市深处之旅》,作者:汤姆奇弗斯。 In 1858, London was hit by the Great Stink after the banks of the Thames became clogged with raw sewage. 1858年,泰晤士河
2021年经济学人 《吃到灭绝》书评(1)
Books and Arts -- Book Review 文学与艺术书评 Rare foods -- Refined tastes 稀有的食物精致的口味 Eating to Extinction. By Dan Saladino. 《吃到灭绝》,作者:丹萨拉迪诺。 The French eat foie gras, the Icelandic devour hak
2021年经济学人 《吃到灭绝》书评(2)
The unhappy fate of the Large White pig is a case in point. 大白猪不幸的命运就是一个很好的例子。 Picture the quintessential farmed swine -- pink, long-bodied, almost cartoonlike -- and you will probably be imagining a Large White. 想
2021年经济学人 英国一议员遇刺身亡,警方称是恐怖主义行为
The world this week -- Politics 本周国际要闻政治 Police investigating the murder of a Conservative MP in Britain were treating the incident as an act of terrorism. 调查英国一名保守党议员被杀事件的警方将该事件定为恐怖主
2021年经济学人 英国央行行长表示需采取行动控制通胀
The world this week -- Business 本周国际要闻商业 Britains annual rate of inflation dipped slightly to 3.1% in September, pulled down by a fall in restaurant prices. 餐厅价格下调使英国9月份的年通货膨胀率小幅下降至3.1%。