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 根据大仲马小说《基督山伯爵》改编,该剧描述一个名叫Emily Thorne的神秘女人来到富人云集的汉普顿,租下一栋靠海的房子,对外宣称自己是来度夏的。她很快赢得了邻居的信任。但他们都不知道,这个女人所做的每一件事都有目的--她要让多年前使其家破人亡的Grayson家族血债血偿。

  • 《复仇》第11集 第6期:野心 You can't do 你千万别找 anything against the Ryans. 瑞安兄弟单挑 They will hurt you 他们会伤害你 or Declan... 或者德克兰 or Carl. 或者卡尔 Amanda, promise me. 阿曼达 答应我 Enjoy, Conrad. They're imported straight from
  • 《复仇》第11集 第7期:竞争对手 Thank you for the Stonehaven tip, Emily. 多谢你给我斯通黑文公司的消息 艾米莉 Of course. Is it significant? 没事 有用吗 It's hard to say just yet. 还不好说 But to that end, 但是为了弄清楚 I'm not sure how including Dan
  • 《复仇》第11集 第8期:七零八碎 I read through the tech report you provided 我看了你给我的诺氏企业 of everything Nolcorp has in development. 完全发展研究报告 Impressive, right? 写得不错吧 Incomplete, actually. 可惜没写全 There were significant resources
  • 《复仇》第11集 第9期:购买酒吧 Declan. Amanda. 德克兰 阿曼达 I'm guessing by the faces, 从你们的脸色上看 our boy Jack's still in the penalty box. 咱们的好小子杰克还在牢里蹲着呢 Thanks to you setting him up. 那也是亏得你们陷害他 I mean, what t
  • 《复仇》第11集 第10期:七零八碎 What was that about? 这是怎么回事 My guess? 我猜是... Extreme daddy issues. 急切想得到老爸的肯定吧 Had enough time away? 想回来了吗 I've been thinking, 我一直在想 and... I was never qualified 从一开始我就 to be you
  • 《复仇》第11集 第11期:叛逆的儿子 Conrad. 康拉德 Ms. Davenport. Well, I knew you had moxie, 达文波特小姐 我承认你勇气可嘉 but showing your face back here so soon, 但这么快重新就在这露面 if I weren't so intrigued, I'd be shocked. 要不是引起我的好奇心
  • 《复仇》第11集 第12期:东山再起 Quite simply, I am good at what I do. 很简单 我对我所做的事非常在行 And whilst your family breathes, 而且鉴于您家族现在的情况 there will be a demand for my talents. 一定会有我的用武之地 You do realize you're asking
  • 《复仇》第11集 第13期:为慈善出力 Aiden mentioned something about meeting her 艾登在你的一次投资者午餐会见过她 at one of your investor luncheons this summer. 她和我提过这事 You invited Aiden? 你也请了艾登 No. I invited Aiden's boss. 没 我请了他的老板
  • 《复仇》第11集 第14期:前途无量 You see, our charity supports foster kids 我们的慈善基金支持抚养那些 who have aged out of the system. 年龄超过政府所定标准的孤儿 They have nowhere to go, no guidance. 他们走投无路 也没有人引导 It can be a really
  • 《复仇》第11集 第15期:泄密 He was inquiring about Carrion. 他想问蚀尸项目 There's no way he could've happened upon that information, so... 他绝不可能莫名其妙的就得到消息 somebody must have tipped him off. 绝对是有人向他泄密 And you think it was m
  • 《复仇》第11集 第16期:重归于好 Did I tell you how beautiful you look in that dress? 我说过你穿这件裙子简直美若天仙么 Twice, actually. 说过两次了 Well, what can I say? 怎么说呢 Some things are worth repeating. 有的事说多少遍也不嫌烦 Master Grayso
  • 《复仇》第11集 第17期:成功的演出 I'm gonna get a refill. 我要再来一杯 Looks like Faux-mance: Part Deux is a runaway success. 看来虚假关系第二部上演得很成功嘛 How's your other boyfriend handling it? 你的另一个男友最近怎么样 As well as can be expected
  • 《复仇》第11集 第18期:心不在焉 Aiden,are you ready for this? 艾登 你准备好了没 You seem distracted. 你看去心不在焉啊 Anything but. On with the show. 恰恰相反 好戏开始了 They want the bar,Jack. 他们想得到酒吧 杰克 And Nate offered $1. 纳特出价一
  • 《复仇》第11集 第19期:守信用的人 My parents? Why? 我父母 为什么 If the Ryan brothers want money, 瑞安兄弟俩想要钱的话 I've got plenty of my own. 我自己有的是 It isn't about money. 这跟钱无关 It's about power and influence. 得用权势压他们 Your mother
  • 《复仇》第11集 第20期:竞价 $25,000. $50,000? Do I hear $50,000? 25000 有5万吗 We have a bid for $50,000. 有人竞价5万 Do I hear $60,000? 有6万吗 $100,000. 10万 $100,000 from Mr. Grayson. 格雷森先生出价10万 Do I hear $150,000? $150,000? 有15万吗 15万 You