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 根据大仲马小说《基督山伯爵》改编,该剧描述一个名叫Emily Thorne的神秘女人来到富人云集的汉普顿,租下一栋靠海的房子,对外宣称自己是来度夏的。她很快赢得了邻居的信任。但他们都不知道,这个女人所做的每一件事都有目的--她要让多年前使其家破人亡的Grayson家族血债血偿。

  • 《复仇》第12集 第7期:情感纠葛 Not only do I appreciate your plight, 我很理解你现在的处境 it may surprise you, Mr. Porter, 你一定会很惊讶 波特先生 but we have a considerable amount in common. 我们有很多共同之处 We're both entrepreneurs, 我们都是企业
  • 《复仇》第12集 第8期:自我保护 The Ryan brothers put him in the hospital 瑞安两兄弟把他打伤进了医院 trying to get him to talk, but he wouldn't break. 他们想严刑逼供 但他没有就范 I'll get the authorities on the line. 我去给当局打电话 No, look, with
  • 《复仇》第12集 第9期:前途光明 Stonehaven and its employees meant everything to my father. 斯通海文及其员工就是我父亲的一切 And I'm not interested in handing it over to someone 我没兴趣把它交给 with plans to break it up and sell it for parts. 要把它拆分卖
  • 《复仇》第12集 第10期:保护钥匙 Looking for... 在找 something? 什么吗 Damn. 该死 I was trying to hide this so you'd find it later. 我在藏这个 以便能你日后找到 I can't do anything about the pedestrian key, 我不知道对一个简单的钥匙能做点什么 but I
  • 《复仇》第12集 第11期:铭记于心 In my case, I literally was, 我当时真的是这样的 since that was the year I was released from juvie. 我从少管所出来那年 正好18岁 It was also the year our dad died. 也是我们父亲去世的那一年 Yeah... 对 It was. 是啊 I w
  • 《复仇》第12集 第12期:盟友 What does it mean 一个母亲取消了 when your mom cancels your birthday? 女儿的生日安排 这是干什么 I'd say it's her gift to you. 要我说 这是送你的礼物 I guess being a Grayson 作为格雷森家的人 just means learning to l
  • 《复仇》第12集 第13期:人道主义 Oh, you're not serious. 你不是来真的吧 I can't believe you. You crossed the country 我真不敢相信 你跑遍整个国家 to lure that rat into helping you. 来引诱那个卑鄙小人来帮助你 I just bumped into him. 我只是碰到他了
  • 《复仇》第12集 第14期:幕后者 What the hell are you doing in l. A. ? 你来洛杉矶做什么 Funny,I thought the same thing 有趣 在大厅看到你和丹尼尔后 when I saw you in the lobby with Daniel. 我也想问同样的问题 You're saying you didn't follow us? 你是说你
  • 《复仇》第12集 第15期:自由长大 They release you? 他们让你走了 Oh,hey. No,uh... insurance ran out, 不 保险费用光了 So I figure I'd give my girls a chance to take care of the old man. 所以我想给女儿个机会来照顾她这个老爸 How you doing,jack? 你怎么样
  • 《复仇》第12集 第16期:商业热情 Another copy of my room key,please. 请再给我一把房间钥匙 Okay. 好的 Always the sign of a good visit. 旅途很愉快啊 Now you already know this, 现在你已经知道这个 but that Forbes Cover did you no favors. 但是上福布斯封面
  • 《复仇》第12集 第17期:丑闻爆发 Victoria. 维多利亚 I wanted to find out how the meeting went. 我来问问会开的怎么样 And I see I have my answer. 看来也不怎么样 Were you planning on leaving without saying good-bye? 你打算不辞而别吗 It seemed consistent wit
  • 《复仇》第12集 第18期:合作愉快 I'm so glad Prosser bowed out. 我真高兴普罗塞退出了 Finally gives us a chance to relax. 我们终于有机会放松一下 Well,we always did make a good team. 咱俩合作从来都很厉害 And this time I promise to appreciate it. 这次我保
  • 《复仇》第12集 第19期:继承遗产 You sold our stake in the bar? What the hell were you thinking? 你把我们的股份卖掉了 你在想什么啊 That it's time to put this to bed. 是时候了结这件事了 Matt Duncan confessed. That's what we wanted. 马修邓肯认罪了 我们的
  • 《复仇》第12集 第20期:故意隐瞒 I thought the world was ending. 那简直是世界末日 My father's camera store was looted, 我父亲的相机店被人洗劫一空 burned to the ground. 然后被大火夷为平地 Really? 是吗 You know,my father helped to rehabilitate that whol
  • 《复仇》第12集 第21期:商讨合同 I'll have my lawyers draw up the contract, 我会让我的律师起草合同 and we'll go from there. 然后按合同来 I'll leave you two to talk details. 那我不耽误你们商讨细节了 Excuse me. 失陪 Hello. 喂 Uh, as requested, I hacked