Perhaps. Or, proceeding in a more convenient, more economical, and consequently more probable fashion, 或者是这样。或者,他是用更方便,更经济,而且更可能的方法, was he satisfied with merely returning to breathe at the su...
Although our cell was large, we obviously had used up most of the oxygen it contained. 虽然牢房还算宽大,但很明白,我们已经消耗掉了里面大部分氧气。 In essence, over an hour's time a single human being consumes all the ox...
I HAVE NO IDEA how long this slumber lasted; but it must have been a good while, since we were completely over our exhaustion. 我们睡了多少时候,我不知道;但一定很久,因为我们的精神完全恢复了。 I was the first one to...
What strange power was carrying us along? 把我们带走的是什么奇异的力量? I felt-or at least I thought I did-the submersible sinking toward the sea's lower strata. 我感到不如说我以为感到这船正向海底最深的地方下沉。...
But all earthly things come to an end, all things must pass, even the hunger of people who haven't eaten for fifteen hours. 可是,什么事都是有始有终的,都要过去的,就是饿眷肚子,十五小时没吃东西这样的事也不是例...
Don't be so irritable, Ned, I then told the harpooner, and don't ruin things for us with pointless violence. 尼德兰,您不用发脾气,我于是对鱼叉手说,暴躁:没有什么用,只会把事情搞坏了, Who knows whether they mig...
Don't be so irritable, Ned, I then told the harpooner, and don't ruin things for us with pointless violence. 尼德兰,您不用发脾气,我于是对鱼叉手说,暴躁:没有什么用,只会把事情搞坏了, Who knows whether they mig...
Don't be so irritable, Ned, I then told the harpooner, and don't ruin things for us with pointless violence. 尼德兰,您不用发脾气,我于是对鱼叉手说,暴躁:没有什么用,只会把事情搞坏了, Who knows whether they mig...
Don't be so irritable, Ned, I then told the harpooner, and don't ruin things for us with pointless violence. 尼德兰,您不用发脾气,我于是对鱼叉手说,暴躁:没有什么用,只会把事情搞坏了, Who knows whether they mig...
Don't be so irritable, Ned, I then told the harpooner, and don't ruin things for us with pointless violence. 尼德兰,您不用发脾气,我于是对鱼叉手说,暴躁:没有什么用,只会把事情搞坏了, Who knows whether they mig...
What! You know German? I exclaimed. 什么!你会说德语?我喊。 Like most Flemish people, with all due respect to master. 这不至于使先生不高兴吧,我像普通佛兰德人一样,会说德语。 On the contrary, my respect is due...
He complained vehemently about being imprisoned in defiance of his civil rights, asked by virtue of which law he was hereby detained, invoked writs of habeas corpus, 他愤愤地埋怨人家蔑视人权,把我们关在这里,质问人家凭什么法...
The other replied with a shake of the head and added two or three utterly incomprehensible words. Then he seemed to question me directly with a long stare. 他的同伴一边点头一边回答,讲了几句完全听不懂的话。然后他的眼光回...
When this stranger focused his gaze on an object, his eyebrow lines gathered into a frown, his heavy eyelids closed around his pupils to contract his huge field of vision, 当这个人注视着一件东西的时候,他紧喳起眉毛,微微合起他...
I felt involuntarily reassured in his presence, and this boded well for our interview. 我看见这个人在面前,心中自然而然地觉得很安定,我预料我们的会谈将很顺利。 Whether this individual was thirty-five or fifty years...