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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第8集 第8期:紧张情绪 Oh, there you are finally. 你终于来了 Which room was it in? The chart? 在哪个房间里 是视力表吗 Shh. They're in there. 小声点 他们在里面 Who's in there? 谁在里面 Jenna. 詹娜 And Jenna. 和另一个詹娜 Do you want to se
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第8集 第11期:结婚对象 You look amazing. 你看起来美呆了 Really? The necklace isn't too much? 真的吗 这条项链会不会太过了 No, it's perfect. 没有 很好看 Okay, thanks. 好的 谢谢 Now I can relax. 现在我能松一口气了 When it comes to fashion
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第8集 第13期:势不两立 I didn't write this. 这不是我写的 I know. 我知道 Do you think that A decided to get in the mix? 你觉不觉得是A安排了这整件事 Saw that Zack was a dirtbag 他发现扎克是个混蛋 and decided to move things along? 于是决定要顺
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第8集 第16期:食物中毒 So what do you think really happened? 你觉得到底发生了什么 I don't know. 不知道 I mean, don't you think it's weird 就在大家进场时 that Aria's mom would just get food poisoning 艾瑞亚的妈妈就食物中毒了 right as everyone
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第9集 第1期:保身之物 How's your mom doing? 你妈怎么样了 She's heartbroken. 她心碎了 God, it's so awful. 天啊 太糟糕了 I mean, first your dad cheats on her 先是你爸对她不忠 and then this sleazebag boyfriend hits on me. 然后这个下贱男友对我有
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第9集 第3期:他杀 He confessed already. 他已经认罪了 The police said this same man could have 警察说你妈妈和宝芬妮杨 killed your mom and Bethany Young. 可能也是他杀的 We're all here to support you, Al. 我们都会支持你的 艾莉 Emily, all