I have great respect for Governor Haley, Ambassador Haley, but this has nothing to do with mismanagement. This is the first pandemic of this type in 100 years. Nobody could have foreseen this. And if North Carolina or South Carolina or Kentucky were hit with this coronavirus the way New York is, we have over 250,000 cases. Just on Long Island alone -- Yeah. -- we have over 60,000 case. We have almost 2,500 people dead. How do you prepare for that? If you -- every year in your budget putting in money to be ready for a pandemic, people would have thought you were crazy. For the last 100 years you are putting aside billions of dollars for a pandemic that never came. They'd say it's a total waste of money. No one anticipated this at all. Right. This pandemic -- But I mean, let me, you know, I mean, I obviously, I would say New York is obviously a unique situation. New York has been hit harder than any other state in the country. It is. And it's the epicenter once again, just like on September 11th. And I think that obviously, considerations need to be made for New York. But just in a, you know, looking at it from that rainy-day fund perspective, so this has been going on for roughly six or seven weeks at this point. So, you know, and that's a crisis. It's a crisis that occurred that no one expected. What -- how big is the rainy-day fund for New York State? I mean, how much time can New York get through and pay all the police officers and pay all the firefighters and everything, you know, what's the plan for crisis management in terms of funding the state? Well, we'll have to see. But I don't think anybody could have planned for crisis management like of this crisis of this type either in New York or in your state of New Jersey1. You know, Martha, the fact is that, this is unprecedented2. There's nothing like this.
If this was a tornado3 or the hurricane like what hits the southern states, we would reimburse4 them for their expenses, that's one thing. You should anticipate a hurricane, maybe you should anticipate a tornado to some extent or flood to some extent, but to be anticipating a pandemic when we have over a quarter of a million people suffering in New York, I mean, how do you, how do you get ready for that? How do you -- Yeah. -- to me, that would be almost -- Well, let me ask you this -- if you prepare for that all the time. Like I said, New York is obviously a uniquely wounded state in the country right now, I do think it should have separate considerations as should New Jersey. But what do you think about Illinois, what do you think about California, what do you think about other places where the concern is that taxpayers6 $9,000 per taxpayer5 for this 500-billion-dollar suggested deal? Should there be a lot of really tight restrictions7 on where that money can go? Yeah, the money should go only to directly coronavirus related expenses. And I will say with that though. Mitch McConnell state got the same amount of money per capita in Kentucky as we got in New York even though we have 30 times more victims. So, if he wants to start cutting money he should start with Kentucky. OK. Message for Mitch McConnell from Pete King, Congressman8 from New York. Thank you very much, Congressman. Thank you, Martha. Always good to see you. Thanks for coming out tonight. OK. Go Irish. I keep saying thanks for coming out, but nobody can go. Go Irish. Nobody is coming out. Everybody is at home. But thanks for being with us.

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n.运动衫 | |
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adj.无前例的,新奇的 | |
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n.飓风,龙卷风 | |
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v.补偿,付还 | |
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n.纳税人 | |
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纳税人,纳税的机构( taxpayer的名词复数 ) | |
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约束( restriction的名词复数 ); 管制; 制约因素; 带限制性的条件(或规则) | |
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n.(美)国会议员 | |
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