Something extraordinary happened to Hitler that night in Linz. 在林茨那晚,希特勒改变主意。 Something that demonstrates how charismatic leadership is about a connection between the leader and the led. 这证明领导者与被领导者之间...
At just before four o'clock in the afternoon of 12th March 1938,Adolf Hitler drove down this road and crossed over the River Inn, into Austria. 1938年3月12日,接近下午4点,希特勒沿着这条路驱车南下,跨过因河进入奥地利。 He...
On the morning of 12th March 1938,German soldiers crossed the border into neighbouring Austria. 1938年3月12日清晨,德军跨过边境进入邻国奥地利。 They were greeted not with bullets and guns,but with roses and carnations. 迎接他们的...
My generals should be like bull terriers on chains, and they should want war, war, war. 我的将军们应像拴着链子的猎犬,他们应想要打仗,打仗,打仗。 But what happens now? I want to go ahead with strong policies and the generals...
The Fuehrer received it,but immediately gave it back to me unread. 元首收到您的文章,但没有看,直接递给我。 He intends to give a major speech on this issue at the next Party rally and therefore, does not want his thinking to be infl...
Berlin.Capital of Germany today,just as it was capital of Germany in the 1930s,when Adolf Hitler was Chancellor. 柏林,现时德国首都,20世纪30年代,希特勒出任总理时德国首都也在柏林。 In 1937, Hitler lived and worked at a...
In the 1930s, here in Nuremberg,hundreds of thousands of Germans gathered to pay homage to Adolf Hitler. 20世纪30年代,在纽伦堡,曾有数十万德国人聚集于此,向希特勒致敬。 Everybody wanted to be close to him. 人人都想接近...
As Adolf Hitler looked out from his home above Berchtesgaden,he knew he was the undisputed master of Germany. 希特勒在贝希特斯加登的家中向外远眺,他知道自己毫无争议地成为德国主宰。 It had been an incredible journey,...
He was praised for trying to restore Germany's greatness and, in the process, spending enormous sums on the Germany military. 他因致力德国伟大复兴而受到褒扬,同时他在德国军力上投入大量资金。 Hitler came to be seen as a...
We love Adolf Hitler because we believe, firmly and profoundly,that he was sent to us by God to save Germany. 我们热爱希特勒,因为我们深信不疑,他被上帝派来拯救德国。 To those who follow him, there is no quality that he does...
Less than 1% of Germans were Jewish,and few dared to now claim they were Communists. 当时德国只有不到1%的犹太人,几乎没有人敢承认自己是共产党。 So the vast majority of Germans were not at risk from prosecution as long as t...
The same year Triumph Of The Will was made,1934,Alois Pfaller, a German Communist, was taken for questioning by the Nazi secret police-the Gestapo. 在拍摄《意志的胜利》同年,即1934年,德国共产党阿洛伊斯普法勒被纳粹秘密警...
For me, the Fuehrer was an inviolable personality - the Fuehrer of the German Reich. 德意志元首是神圣不可侵犯的。 He, whom Providence had given so many gifts. 上帝赐予他众多天赋。 He, who was so powerful that he could orchestr...
President Hindenburg had just died,and now Hitler was head of state as well as Chancellor. 兴登堡总统刚刚过世,刚做总理的希特勒已成为最高统帅。 Just a few weeks later, in September 1934,Hitler was here in Nuremberg for the N...
He just had to be cold-hearted and ruthless. 他只需做到残酷无情。 On 30th June 1934,Hitler travelled to the shores of the Tegernsee in Bavaria and the health resort of Bad Wiessee. 1934年6月30日,希特勒前往巴伐利亚泰根塞湖畔...