But Hitler was concerned that the Stormtroopers might be getting out of his control,that they were starting to become a threat to the regime itself. 但他考虑到冲锋队可能会失控,威胁到当前体制的稳定。 Hitler told them the revo...
But now he was Chancellor,Hitler also wanted the support of all of those who lived in this land that he considered true Germans. 但现作为总理,希特勒希望得到居住本土的真正德国人支持。 Nazi Stormtroopers were still as ready...
To begin with, the concentration camps were under the control of the Nazi Stormtroopers. 起初,集中营由纳粹冲锋队控制。 Here they are parading in triumph through Berlin. 他们趾高气扬穿过柏林大街。 But their ordered marching...
Hitler talked to the German nation as Chancellor on 10th February 1933. 1933年2月10日,希特勒以德国总理身份向全国人民发表演说。 Thousands were in the hall in front of him,and millions were listening on radio. 现场聚集数千观...
But other leading Nazis were not so full of praise for Hitler. 有些纳粹高官对他并不是满口称赞。 Gregor Strasser, still an important figure in the party,thought that Hitler was stupid to hold out for the Chancellorship. 仍在纳粹身居...
It was our aim that a strong man should have the say,and we had such a strong man. 我们需要主宰国家命运的强人,而现在拥有了。 The people were really hungry. 当时人们挨饿。 It was very, very hard. 相当艰苦。 And, in th...
In the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929,the German economy all but collapsed. 1929年华尔街股灾爆发,德国经济随之崩溃。 The Weimar government had borrowed money to pay the Allies war reparations and now the debt became too great...
Small as the Nazi Party was at the time this footage was shot in the 1920s, most of the elements that would come together to make Hitler be seen as a leader of charisma were already in place. 这段影片拍摄于20年代 当时纳粹党规模不大,...
On 20th December 1924, 1924年12月20日, Hitler was released from Landsberg Prison and set about trying to rebuild the Nazi Party. 希特勒从兰德斯堡监狱获释着手重建纳粹党。 Despite writing Mein Kampf, 尽管著有《我的奋斗》...
Back in 1924,Hitler received the minimum sentence possible for his part in the Putsch from a sympathetic judge and was sent to Landsberg Prison. 1924年一位同情纳粹的法官对参与暴动希特勒从轻发落于是他被送往兰德斯堡监狱。...
On 9th November, the Nazis marched through these streets,but were stopped by the police. 11月9日,纳粹分子上街游行,但遭警方制止。 Here, at the corner of the Feldherrnhalle. 在统帅堂的转角处。 Shots were exchanged. 双方开枪...
On 9th November, the Nazis marched through these streets,but were stopped by the police. 11月9日,纳粹分子上街游行,但遭警方制止。 Here, at the corner of the Feldherrnhalle. 在统帅堂的转角处。 Shots were exchanged. 双方开枪...
In the crypt of the castle,Himmler wanted to hold pagan SS ceremonies by the light of an eternal flame. 在城堡地窖里,希姆莱想进行异教徒般的党卫军仪式点燃永不熄灭的火焰。 Above the crypt was a hall, for the leaders of...
Hans Frank, who would go on to become a leading Nazi, first heard Hitler speak in 1920. 汉斯弗兰克于1920年首次听到他的演讲后成为纳粹头目。 Everything came from the heart and he struck a chord with all of us. 一切都发自肺腑...
Harsh and theatrical as his speeches appear to us today, at the time, his performances soon got him noticed in Munich. 尽管现在看来,他的演讲夸张做作,但在当时的慕尼黑,他很快受到关注。 He seemed to be able to express...