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 根据大仲马小说《基督山伯爵》改编,该剧描述一个名叫Emily Thorne的神秘女人来到富人云集的汉普顿,租下一栋靠海的房子,对外宣称自己是来度夏的。她很快赢得了邻居的信任。但他们都不知道,这个女人所做的每一件事都有目的--她要让多年前使其家破人亡的Grayson家族血债血偿。

  • 《复仇》第16集 第10期:重新做人 Look, it's not that I don't trust you. I do. 不是我不相信你 我信你 I've just worked really hard at starting over. 但我还在开始阶段 一切都很艰难 And it seems like you have, too. 而且看来你也是 Antique books? 古籍收藏吗
  • 《复仇》第16集 第11期:谁救了我的命 Help you? 有何贵干 My name's Jack Porter. 我叫杰克波特 The police said an ambulance picked me up 警方说劳动节那个周末 from this slip over Labor Day weekend. 救护车是从这个码头把我救走的 - You the guy from that boat f
  • 《复仇》第16集 第12期:犯罪记录 Victoria. 维多利亚 Quite the turnout. I can only imagine what Amanda would say 来了好多人 我想阿曼达在这的话 If she were here. 如果她在这的话 I can think of a few things. 我能想到几件事 Nolan, it's lovely to see you. 诺
  • 《复仇》第16集 第13期:骗子哥哥 Now will you go? 现在你能走了吗 That, uh... was the deal, 本来 是这么说的 But... I wouldn't want to be rude 但我不想这么快就离开晚会 by bowing out of the party too soon. 因为这样太没礼貌了 Excuse me. 失陪了 I am
  • 《复仇》第16集 第14期:并不好的关系 Hey, man. Why don't I get you a drink? 哥们 我给你拿杯酒吧 You look like you could use it. 你应该喝点 You know what? I'm good. 我很好 You guys go ahead and, uh... 你们俩继续吧 You call me when you're not so preoccupied. 等你不
  • 《复仇》第16集 第15期:披着羊皮的狼 I take it that's the prodigal brother. 那人就是浪荡哥哥吧 In the flesh. 如假包换 And on the prowl, by the looks of it. 看上去他像是在寻找目标 Well, maybe I could take a few pointers 或许我能跟他学学 on wooing Grayson o
  • 《复仇》第16集 第16期:白天喝酒 You gotta be kidding me. 你是在开玩笑吧 Look, um... 听我说 I'm just here to try and talk some sense into you. 我来只是想跟你讲讲道理 We're not friends. I accept that. 我们不是朋友 这我接受 But I know it's not like you t
  • 《复仇》第16集 第17期:没胆做的事 'Cause I imagine it's how you scored your invite tonight. 我觉得是她邀请你今晚出席的 No. 不是 Once again, your instincts fail you. 你的直觉再一次骗了你 It was your father who summoned me. 是你爸爸让我来的 Regardless o
  • 《复仇》第16集 第18期:不可磨灭的回忆 Amanda and I weren't just friends. 阿曼达不仅是我的朋友 We were family. 还是我的家人 Check out faux bro 看看那个假模假式的兄长 Climbing mount Grayson like it ain't no thang. 拼命地和格雷森家族套近乎 I'm gonna go
  • 《复仇》第16集 第19期:悲哀的成长方式 I don't think I could imagine a sadder way to grow up. 我无法想象更悲哀的成长方式了 It wasn't easy, 生活不易 especially for Amanda. 尤其对阿曼达而言 She was a troubled girl. 她是个麻烦缠身的女孩儿 Well, who's to j
  • 《复仇》第16集 第20期:真朋友 We applaud your bravery, Mr. Porter. 我们为你的勇敢致敬 波特先生 Thank you, everyone, for being here tonight 谢谢大家今晚出席 and for helping us launch the Amanda Clarke foundation... 并资助阿曼达?克拉克慈善基金会成立
  • 《复仇》第16集 第21期:美丽的新娘 What are you doin'? Pervert. 你在干什么 变态 She sure made a beautiful bride. 她真是个美丽的新娘 Get outta here, Nolan. 出去 诺兰 Get out before I call the police. 再不走我报警了 You know what? Go ahead and call 'em, Jack. 尽
  • 《复仇》第16集 第22期:良心的谴责 Though maybe Kenny had a crisis of conscience? 不过肯尼好像受了良心的谴责 I gotta find him. 我得去找他 Jack, you need to let the police find him. 杰克 你得让警察去找 You have got a son and a brother 你还有儿子和弟弟
  • 《复仇》第16集 第23期:代受罪 They're now forcing me to coordinate 强迫我通过格雷森国际 the financing of their next plot through Grayson Global. 给他们的下一个阴谋提供财政支持 Oh, my god. 天哪 Have you contacted the authorities? 你报案了吗 No. No,
  • 《复仇》第16集 第24期:发挥失常 And the king sat in his counting room 国王在会计室里 counting all his money. 计算自己的财产 While the queen was in the parlor 此时王后正在客厅里 eating bread and boozing. 吃着面包饮着酒 Ooh. There's quite a healthy buy-i