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 根据大仲马小说《基督山伯爵》改编,该剧描述一个名叫Emily Thorne的神秘女人来到富人云集的汉普顿,租下一栋靠海的房子,对外宣称自己是来度夏的。她很快赢得了邻居的信任。但他们都不知道,这个女人所做的每一件事都有目的--她要让多年前使其家破人亡的Grayson家族血债血偿。

  • 《复仇》第18集 第19期:重归于好 Are you ready for this? 你准备好了吗 I will be. 我会的 So you and Daniel are back together. 所以你和丹尼尔要重归于好了 Not officially. He was just my way in tonight. 不算正式 我只是利用他参加舞会 Well, he may disag
  • 《复仇》第18集 第20期:命悬一线 Well,we actually got a small bump 大卫克拉克的事让我们在 in the liberal enclaves from this David Clarke thing. 追求自由的道路上遭遇了一些障碍 One can infer that they really do value justice above all. 也看出来 还真有人
  • 《复仇》第18集 第21期:猎鹰求助 I didn't hear from you 我没收到你的回复 so I assume you were either with Nolan or Daniel. 所以我猜你是和诺兰或丹尼尔在一起 I talked to Nolan. 我跟诺兰谈过了 He said he made it through the night okay. 他说他安然无恙
  • 《复仇》第18集 第22期:被抛弃 I got your text. What'd you want to talk about? 我收到你的短信了 你想谈什么 I'll see you in a second, buddy, okay? 一会儿再见了 小家伙 好吗 Be right back. 我马上就回来 I heard the way Conrad talked to you at the party. 我
  • 《复仇》第19集 第1期:攻击目标 I didn't want to wake you. 我是不想吵醒你 I haven't slept this well 我很久都没睡得如此安稳了 since there was a ring on your hand. 自从给你戴上订婚戒指就一直诸事不断 History repeating itself, 历史总会不断重复
  • 《复仇》第19集 第2期:能力最强 I'm just trying to protect you. 我只是想保护你 Oh, spare me. 你省省吧 The only thing you're protecting is your pompous campaign. 你唯一想保护的东西无非是你的竞选罢了 Here are the medical records you so sensitively demande
  • 《复仇》第19集 第3期:烟雾弹 I come bearing gifts. 我是带着礼物过来的 Black coffee for you, 给你的黑咖啡 Skinny nonfat cappuccino for me, 脱脂卡布奇诺是我的 And a not-too-hot hot chocolate for Carl. 一杯不太热的热巧克力是给卡尔的 I'm sorry.
  • 《复仇》第19集 第4期:绯闻女友 In other breaking news, 另一则突发新闻 Tech guru Nolan Ross has just been released from custody 科技大师诺兰罗斯刚刚被当庭释放 after being held for questioning in the murder 之前他遭扣留审问 涉嫌谋杀前雇员 of form
  • 《复仇》第19集 第5期:生育记录 But he's been underground for two decades. 但他秘密生活了20年 No one knows what he looks like, 谁都不知道他长什么样子 let alone how to contact him. 更别说怎么联系上他了 Victoria does. 维多利亚知道 She gave Conrad do
  • 《复仇》第19集 第6期:自负的黑客 We were mortified at the evidence presented at the trial. 我们对法庭上所呈现的证据深感羞愧 David Clarke was our trusted friend, 大卫克拉克是我们很信任的朋友 or so we thought. 至少我们是这样认为的 Once the prose
  • 《复仇》第19集 第7期:超级论文 Emily. 艾米莉 What are you doing here? 你来这里干什么 Well, Nolan said that you've been calling, so... 诺兰说你一直给他打电话 所以... I wanted to let you know that he's okay, 我想让你知道他没事 But he's just gonna lay
  • 《复仇》第19集 第8期:傲娇女孩 No, I-I just don't think I'm a harvard guy, Charlotte. 我只是觉得我不是哈佛的料 夏洛特 I was thinking more like N.Y.U. or something. 我考虑的是纽约大学 或是类似的 But they want a killer essay, too, 但他们也要求超级论
  • 《复仇》第19集 第9期:有点疯狂 I still can't believe Padma's gone. 我仍然不敢相信帕德玛死了 It's crazy, but, uh... 这听来有点疯狂 但 sometimes I... 有时我 catch myself I.M.ing her, like, at work, 在上班时仍会给她发信息 like she's still down the ha
  • 《复仇》第19集 第10期:急进的作风 Tell Nolan to take as much time away as he needs, 告诉诺兰随便他要多长时间 and if there's anything else I can do to help, 要是有什么需要我帮忙的 just let me know, okay? 就联系我 好吗 Thanks, Daniel. And Nolan says thanks,
  • 《复仇》第19集 第11期:内心的小恶魔 This place is awesome. 这地方好赞 I had no idea it was here. 我从没来过这儿 Well, the coolest places are the hardest to find. 好地方总是难找的 Same goes for people. 人也是一样 Definitely true in your case. 尤其对你而言