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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《福尔摩斯探案全集》中英双语有声读物>


  • 红发会 29万事俱备(2) You are not very vulnerable from above, Holmes remarked as he held up the lantern and gazed about him. 福尔摩斯把提灯举起来四下察看。他说:你们这个地下室要从上面突破倒不那么容易。 Nor from below, said Mr. Merrywe
  • 红发会 30万事俱备(3) It is our French gold, whispered the director. 那位董事长低声说:那是我们的法国黄金。 We have had several warnings that an attempt might be made upon it. Your French gold? 我们已接到几次警告,说可能有人试图在这上面
  • 红发会 31万事俱备(4) I placed my revolver, cocked, upon the top of the wooden case behind which I crouched. 我把推上了子弹的左轮手枪放在我蹲在后面的那个木箱上面。 Holmes shot the slide across the front of his lantern and left us in pitch darkne
  • 红发会 32逮捕罪犯(1) Suddenly my eyes caught the glint of a light. 我忽然看见隐约地闪现着的亮光。 At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement. Then it lengthened out until it became a yellow line, 起先,那只是闪现在石板地上的灰黄
  • 红发会 33逮捕罪犯(2) It's all clear, he whispered. Have you the chisel and the bags? Great Scott! Jump, Archie, jump, and I'll swing for it! 他小声地说:一切都很顺当。你把凿子和袋子都带来了吗?天啊,不好了!阿尔奇,跳,赶紧跳,别
  • 红发会 34逮捕罪犯(3) Really, Mr. Holmes, said Mr. Merryweather as we followed them from the cellar, 当我们跟在他们后面从地下室走出来的时候,梅里韦瑟先生说:真的,福尔摩斯先生, I do not know how the bank can thank you or repay you. 我
  • 红发会 35逮捕罪犯(4) But how could you guess what the motive was? 可是,你是怎么猜出他的动机的呢? Had there been women in the house, I should have suspected a mere vulgar intrigue. 如果在那店铺里有女人的话,我本来会怀疑无非是搞些庸
  • 红发会 36逮捕罪犯(5) I surprised you by beating upon the pavement with my stick. 我用手杖敲打人行道使你感到惊讶, I was ascertaining whether the cellar stretched out in front or behind. It was not in front. 我当时是要弄清楚地下室是朝前还是朝
  • 身份案 01事件的开端(1) A Case Of Identity 身份案 My dear fellow, said Sherlock Holmes as we sat on either side of the fire in his lodgings at Baker Street, 我同福尔摩斯两人对坐在贝克街他寓所的壁炉前。他说:老兄, life is infinitely stranger t
  • 身份案 02事件的开端(2) I smiled and shook my head. I can quite understand your thinking so, I said. 我笑着摇摇头说:我十分理解你这种想法。 Of course, in your position of unofficial adviser and helper to everybody who is absolutely puzzled, throughout thr
  • 身份案 03事件的开端(3) He held out his snuffbox of old gold, with a great amethyst in the centre of the lid. 他伸手拿出他的旧金鼻烟壶,壶盖的中心嵌上了一颗紫色水晶。 Its splendour was in such contrast to his homely ways and simple life that I co
  • 身份案 04事件的开端(4) Looking over his shoulder, I saw that on the pavement opposite there stood a large woman with a heavy fur boa round her neck, 我从他的肩上往外看去,对面人行道上站着一个高大的女人,颈上围着厚毛皮围脖, and a large
  • 身份案 05一位女性委托者(1) Sherlock Holmes welcomed her with the easy courtesy for which he was remarkable, 福尔摩斯以他落落大方而又彬彬有礼的非凡态度欢迎她, and, having closed the door and bowed her into an armchair, 他随手推上门,微微鞠躬,
  • 身份案 06一位女性委托者(2) Again a startled look came over the somewhat vacuous face of Miss Mary Sutherland. 玛丽萨瑟兰小姐的有些茫然若失的脸上又一次出现了惊讶的神色。 Yes, I did bang out of the house, she said, 她说:是的,我是突然地出来
  • 身份案 07一位女性委托者(3) I had expected to see Sherlock Holmes impatient under this rambling and inconsequential narrative, 我本以为福尔摩斯对于这样杂乱无章和没头没脑的叙述会感到厌烦, but, on the contrary, he had listened with the greatest conc