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  • 博斯科姆比溪谷秘案 40水落石出(7) Well, it is not for me to judge you, said Holmes as the old man signed the statement which had been drawn out. 那老人在写好了的那份自白书上签了字。福尔摩斯当即说:好啦,我无权审判你。 I pray that we may never be ex
  • 五个桔核 01怪诞案件的开端(1) The Five Orange Pips 五个桔核 When I glance over my notes and records of the Sherlock Holmes cases between the years '82 and '90, 当我粗略地看了一遍我积存的一八八二年至一八九零年间福尔摩斯侦探案的笔记和记录时,
  • 五个桔核 02怪诞案件的开端(2) It was in the latter days of September, and the equinoctial gales had set in with exceptional violence. 那时正值九月下旬,秋分时节的暴风雨猛烈异常。 All day the wind had screamed and the rain had beaten against the windows, 一整
  • 五个桔核 03年轻的委托人(1) Sherlock Holmes was wrong in his conjecture, however, for there came a step in the passage and a tapping at the door. 福尔摩斯猜错了,因为过道上响起了脚步声,接着有人在敲门。 He stretched out his long arm to turn the lamp
  • 五个桔核 04年轻的委托人(2) Give me your coat and umbrella, said Holmes. 把您的雨衣和伞都给我,福尔摩斯说, They may rest here on the hook and will be dry presently. 把它们挂在钩子上,一会儿就会干的。 You have come up from the south-west, I see
  • 五个桔核 05年轻的委托人(3) My name, said he, is John Openshaw, 他说:我名叫约翰奥彭肖。 but my own affairs have, as far as I can understand, little to do with this awful business. 据我的理解,我自己本身同这一可怕的事件没有多大关系。 It is
  • 五个桔核 06年轻的委托人(4) He was a singular man, fierce and quick-tempered, very foul-mouthed when he was angry, and of a most retiring disposition. 他是个很怪癖的人,凶狠急躁,发怒时言语粗鄙,性情极为孤僻。 During all the years that he lived at H
  • 五个桔核 07神秘来信(1) One day -- it was in March, 1883a letter with a foreign stamp lay upon the table in front of the colonel's plate. 有一天,那是在一八八三年三月,一封贴有外国邮票的信放在上校的餐盘前面。 It was not a common thing for
  • 五个桔核 08神秘来信(2) I did as he ordered, and when the lawyer arrived I was asked to step up to the room. 我照他的吩咐办了。律师来到时,我被召唤到他的房间里。 The fire was burning brightly, and in the grate there was a mass of black, 炉火熊熊,
  • 五个桔核 09神秘来信(3) The singular incident made, as you may think, the deepest impression upon me, 您可以想见,这件奇特的事给我的印象极为深刻, and I pondered over it and turned it every way in my mind without being able to make anything of it. 我反
  • 五个桔核 10神秘来信(4) Well, to come to an end of the matter, Mr. Holmes, and not to abuse your patience, 噢,福尔摩斯先生,现在说说此事的结局吧,不能再辜负您的耐性了。 there came a night when he made one of those drunken sallies from which h
  • 五个桔核 11神秘来信(5) The letter arrived on March 10, 1883. His death was seven weeks later, upon the night of May 2d. 收到来信的日期是一八八三年三月十日。他的死是在七个星期后的五月二日。 Thank you. Pray proceed. 谢谢您。请说下去。
  • 五个桔核 12神秘来信(6) Well, it was the beginning of '84 when my father came to live at Horsham, 唉,我父亲搬到霍尔舍姆去住时,正值一八八四年初, and all went as well as possible with us until the January of '85. 直到一八八五年元月,一切都
  • 五个桔核 13神秘来信(7) On the third day after the coming of the letter my father went from home to visit an old friend of his, Major Freebody, 接到来信以后的第三天,我父亲离家去看望他的一位老朋友,弗里博迪少校。 who is in command of one of
  • 五个桔核 14神秘来信(8) In this sinister way I came into my inheritance. 在这种不祥的情况下,我继承了遗产。 You will ask me why I did not dispose of it? 您会问我为什么不把它卖掉。 I answer, because I was well convinced that our troubles were in