Biden holds 14-point edge over Trump in a new poll. 最新民调显示,拜登支持率已领先特朗普14个百分点 By Alexander Burns, Jonathan Martin and Matt Stevens 文/亚历山大伯恩斯、乔纳森马丁和马特史蒂文斯 Joseph R. B...
After the W.H.O. and its vaccine partners released the results of a survey last month 上个月,世卫组织及其疫苗合作伙伴公布了一项调查结果, showing that 80 million babies under a year old were at risk of missing routine immun...
In poorer countries, the measles mortality rate for children under 5 ranges between 3 and 6 percent; 在较贫穷的国家,5岁以下儿童的麻疹死亡率在3%~6%之间; conditions like malnutrition or an overcrowded refugee camp can increase...
This spring, as the program was being readied for its nationwide rollout, the coronavirus struck. 今年春天,就在该计划正准备在全国范围内推广时,新冠病毒来了。 Mass vaccination campaigns, which often mean summoning hundre...
Many parents were convinced that the team was lying about the vaccine 不少家长都确信,前来的小组在说谎 that it was not for measles but, secretly, an experimental coronavirus vaccine, 他们带来的根本就不是麻疹疫苗,而是新...
But the obstacles to restarting are considerable. 问题是重启疫苗接种工作也面临着巨大的障碍。 Vaccine supplies are still hard to come by. 疫苗供应依然很难获取。 Health care workers are increasingly working full time on...
New Virus Hastens Spread Of Old Preventable Illness 新病毒加速了传统可预防疾病的传播 By Jan Hoffman and Ruth Maclean 文/简霍夫曼,露丝麦克林 As poor countries around the world struggle to beat back the coronavirus, 世界各地...
Police unions have traditionally used their bargaining agreements to create obstacles to disciplining officers. 警察工会惯会利用谈判协议来为整顿警纪制造障碍。 One paper by researchers at the University of Chicago found that inc...
Mr. Lynch has stood by officers even when there is ample evidence of misconduct, 即使有充足的证据证明警官存在执法不当行为,林奇也依然选择了跟警官们站在一起, defending the officers who killed Amadou Diallo in 199...
The union president said the officers were simply following orders. 工会主席称,警官们只是在奉命行事。 All 57 officers on the Emergency Response Team, a special squad formed to respond to riots, 涉事应急小组原是为应对骚乱而...
Steve Loomis, the Cleveland police union president at the time of the consent decree, 同意法令被颁布时正担任克利夫兰警察工会主席的史蒂夫卢米斯称, said he and his colleagues saw some of the mandated rules as counterprodu...
Politicians tempted to cross police unions have long feared being labeled soft on crime by the unions, or more serious consequences. 长期以来,试图越过警察工会的政客一直惧怕被工会贴上姑息养奸的标签,甚至还有比这更...
How Police Unions Became Such Powerful Opponents to Reform Efforts 警察工会如何变成了改革路上的巨型拦路虎 Half a decade after a spate of officer-involved deaths inspired widespread protest, 五年前,接二连三的事涉警方的死...
Isn't a movement away from meat elitist? No. 远离肉类不是精英阶级才会做的事情吗?不是。 A 2015 study found that a vegetarian diet is $750 a year cheaper than a meat-based diet. 2015年的一项研究发现,一年下来,吃素的...
It goes without saying that we want to be safe. 我们想要安全自然是不用说的。 We know how to make ourselves safer. 我们也知道怎样更安全。 But wanting and knowing are not enough. 问题是,光想和知道是不够的。 These...