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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《唐顿庄园》精讲>


  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲54 老妇人据以力争

    He chooses his clothes himself. 他亲自自己挑选衣服 He puts them out at night and hangs the ones he's worn. 晚上取出来摆好 穿过的就挂着这儿 I get to take the linen down to the laundry, but that's about all. 我负责把衣服拿去...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲53 Crawley夫人首访医院

    It's kind of you to take an interest. 很高兴您有兴趣 I'm afraid it's a case of the warhorse and the drum. You know my late husband was a doctor. 这已经是一种本能了 我丈夫就曾是一名医生 I do. I'm familiar with Dr Crawley's wo...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲52 隆重的欢迎仪式

    Why are they here at all when you're going to undo it? 既然打算撤销限定继承 怎么还邀请他们来做客 Your father's not convinced it can be undone. 你父亲认为反抗无用 But you'll still try.Granny and I are willing to try. 你还在...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲51 对未来庄园主人的议论

    So what do you think we'll make of them? 你怎么看他们 I shouldn't think much. 还能怎么看 She hasn't even got a lady's maid. 她连个女仆都没有 It's not a capital offence. 这没什么 She's got a maid. Her name's Ellen. She came a da...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲50 一切都是玩笑

    Lady Mary Crawley. Mary Crawley小姐到访 I do hope I'm not interrupting. 抱歉打断了你们的谈话 Lady Mary. Mary小姐 Cousin Mary, please. 就叫Mary堂亲好了 Mama has sent me down to welcome you 妈妈遣我到此以表欢迎 and to as...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲49 我要做我自己

    Oh, Ellen, this is much better than I thought it would be. You have done well. Ellen 这里比我想象的要好很多 辛苦你了 Thank you, ma'am. 谢谢夫人 Would you like this in here, ma'am, or taken up to your room? 夫人 这是放在这儿...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲48 一切已定

    I simply do not understand why we are rushing into this. 为什么如此急不可耐 Matthew Crawley is my heir. Matthew Crawley是我的继承人 Patrick was your heir. He never lived here. Patrick也曾是 你也没让他来住过 Patrick was in an...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲47 我不想与他们为伍

    Here we are, ma'am. Crawley House. 我们到了 夫人 Crawley家的宅子 For good or ill. 总算到了 I still don't see why I couldn't just refuse it. 还是不明白 为什么我非得当这个继承人 There's no mechanism for you to do so. 没理...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲46 情深难以辞别

    Would it be acceptable for Bates to ride in front with Taylor? 老爷 可否让Bates做副驾驶 Otherwise it means getting the other car out. 否则 便要多派一辆车 He and his Grace are catching the same train. 他和公爵乘同一列火车 P...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲45 我不会放过此事的

    If you knew that was your decision, why put Mary through it? 如果早就下定决心 为何让女儿受苦 But I didn't know it was my decision, my final decision, until tonight. 并非一开始就想如此 今晚才最终决定 But I find I cannot...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲44 一切恢复平静

    I think I'll turn in. 我要去睡了 No big announcement, then? 楼上没动静吗 No, nor likely to be. 没有 估计不会有了 He's off on the nine o'clock train. 他坐九点的火车离开 He never is? 怎么可能 And when we've had a turkey...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲43 同性恋中的厮杀

    I want to be with you. 我想跟着你 I just can't see it working, can you? 这样行不通 We don't have the basis of a servant-master relationship, do we? 我们不可能成为主仆 You came here to be with me! 你来此不就是为了见我吗 A...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲42 邪恶的同性恋者

    I don't believe that! 难以置信 Well, believe what you like. He won't break the entail. 信不信由你 他不会打破限定继承 The unknown cousin gets everything and Mary's inheritance will be the same as it always was. 素未谋面的堂兄得...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲41 公爵一无所获而拒绝玛丽

    Aren't you coming into the drawing room? 要来客厅坐坐吗 I-I'm tired. I think I'll just slip away. 我累了 不奉陪了 Please make my excuses. 请代为转达歉意 I'm afraid I've worn you out. 是我让您累坏了吧 Tomorrow, we can just...

  • 《唐顿庄园》精讲40 我毫无它意

    I hope he proves to be perfect, but I rather doubt it. 我希望他是完美的陌生人 不过难说 Very odd thing to joke about perfect stranger. 您还有心情开玩笑 完全陌生的人 No odder than this conversation. 比不上您 还有心思拐...
