英语新闻听写 中国或将放缓或停止购买美国国债
Federal Reserve policymakers reacted coolly to a report on Wednesday that China could curb its massive U.S. debt purchases. 美联储政策制定者们对周三的一份中国可能限制购买大规模美国国债的报道反应不强烈。 They poi
英语新闻听写 狗流感不致命且不会传染给人类
As reports of the dog-flu come in from across the US, experts have pointed out that the virus is rarely deadly and cannot be passed to humans. 美国全国各地频频报道出狗流感案例。专家们指出,这种病毒很少会致命,也不会传
英语新闻听写 调查显示 美消费者日益依赖智能音箱
According to a new report from NPR and Edison Research, consumers are becoming more reliant on smart speakers. 据美国国家公共广播电台和爱迪生研究所的调查表明,消费者正越来越依赖于智能音箱。 Smart speakers are on
英语新闻听写 联合国制裁 中国对朝进口暴跌至最低水平
On Friday, Reuters reported that China's imports from North Korea plunged in December to their lowest level in dollar terms since at least the start of 2014. 路透社周五报道,至少自2014年年初以来,中国十二月份向朝鲜进口以美
英语新闻听写 流感疫苗确实有效
According to the CDC, there was widespread flu activity visible across all 50 US states by the end of December, a trend never before seen in the 13-year history of the current flu surveillance system. 美国疾病控制与预防中心表示,截至1
英语新闻听写 川普怒怼的纽约时报依然蓬勃发展
A year since Donald Trump took office, shares of the New York Times have gained more than 51%. 川普执政一年以来,《纽约时报》股价的涨幅超过了51%。 According to the Samp;P 500 index, a common Wall Street benchmark, subscription
英语新闻听写 亚马逊新开无人零售店
With its wildly popular (and powerful) digital marketplace, Amazon has made life rough for traditional brick-and-mortar stores. 凭借其广受欢迎的(也很强大的)数字市场,亚马逊使得传统实体零售店的生活更加艰难。 Now,
英语新闻听写 印度竟跻身于洲际导弹俱乐部行列!
On Thursday, NBC News reported that India test-fired a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile, in a move that signaled a major boost to the country's military capabilities. 周四,美国国家广播公司报道,印度试射了一枚可搭
英语新闻听写 禁食模拟饮食法助人长寿
According to the director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, Valter Longo, he believes that specific diets can help people live longer. 南加州大学长寿研究所所长瓦尔特朗格(Valter Longo)认为,特定
英语新闻听写 亚马逊上调月度会员费 公司股价上涨
On Friday, shares of Amazon rose after the company announced it was increasing the prices on its monthly subscriptions. 周五,在亚马逊宣布上调其月度会员费后,该公司股价上涨。 According to Recode, the company said it will ra
英语新闻听写 CALVIN KLEIN内衣邀请卡戴珊姐妹代言
With its new ad campaign, Calvin Klein sent the Internet into a frenzy on Monday. 周一,Calvin Klein的新广告宣传让互联网陷入疯狂。 It features the Kardashian Jenner family. 它的代言人是卡戴珊詹纳姐妹。 The underwear br
英语新闻听写 脸书迫压开设培训中心 向欧洲示好
On Monday, Facebook said it will open three new centers in Europe to train people in digital skills. 周一,脸书称其将在欧洲开设三家培训人们数字技能的新中心。 It committed to training one million people over the next two ye
英语新闻听写 健康饮食不超支的小秘诀
ealth food can be staggeringly expensive. 健康食品可能贵得惊人。 But eating well and staying on a budget don't have to be mutually exclusive. 但是,吃得好、不超支并不一定是相互排斥的。 The secret is to plan ahead and c
英语新闻听写 川普不惧发动贸易战 打算对华进行报复
President Donald Trump doesn't want to trigger a trade war with China, but isn't afraid if one happens. 美国总统唐纳德川普并不希望发动美中贸易战争,但如果真发生了美国也不惧怕。 During an interview with Reuters this
英语新闻听写 苹果将新建园区 称其不效仿亚马逊
Apple's released big news on Thursday revealing that they were on-shoring hundreds of billions of dollars and looking to create tens of thousands of new jobs in the US. 周四,苹果公司发布的重大新闻表明,他们将从海外撤回数千亿