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  • 2021年经济学人 拜登的基础设施法案--悬而未决(1) United States 美国版块 The infrastructure bill 基础设施法案 It's a deal 成交 Joe Biden's bipartisan dream stays alive, for now 目前,乔拜登的两党合作梦还在 Even before the Senate voted overwhelmingly to advance a bipartisan
  • 2021年经济学人 拜登的基础设施法案--悬而未决(2) Yet legislation encoding this deal has yet to be written, much less passed. 然而,对这项协议进行编码的立法尚未成文,更不用说通过了。 Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, said after the filibuster was evaded that he w
  • 2021年经济学人 奥运VS药物(1) Science technology 科技板块 Sport and drugs 运动和药物 Still doped up 药劲儿还没过? Thousands of athletes at the Tokyo Olympics are likely to be doping. How many will get caught remains to be seen 有数千名参加东京奥运会的运
  • 2021年经济学人 奥运VS药物(2) Covid-19 may have made things worse, says Ross Tucker, a South African sports scientist. 南非体育科学家罗斯塔克表示,新冠疫情可能使情况变得更糟。 Since the effects of PEDS last much longer than the drugs stay in an athlete
  • 2021年经济学人 奥运VS药物(3) Other estimates suggest even higher numbers. 其他估计数字甚至更高。 A paper published in 2011 examined the prevalence of blood doping, a catch-all term for ways to increase the capacity of blood to ferry oxygen to muscles. 2011年发表的一
  • 2021年经济学人 奥运VS药物(4) The best-known PEDS are anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), which are close chemical cousins of testosterone, the chief male sex hormone. 最著名的兴奋剂是雄性甾体激素(AAS),它是主要的雄性激素睾酮的化学表亲。 Athletes t
  • 2021年经济学人 无比迷人又神秘不可预测的西西里岛(1) Mediterranean history - under the volcano 地中海的历史-于火山下 The Invention of Sicily. By Jamie Mackay. 《西西里岛起源》杰米麦凯 Sicily beguiles. 西西里令人着迷。 It offers coves with limpid water; Greek temples, such
  • 2021年经济学人 无比迷人又神秘不可预测的西西里岛(2) A strand of popular heterodoxy endured, half-surfacing as superstition, the secret worship of polytheistic deities and even the practice of magic. 一连串风靡一时的异端邪说持续蔓延,迷信、对多神教神灵的秘密崇拜,甚至是
  • 2021年经济学人 中国第二季度经济增长同比增长1.3%超出预期 The world this week - Business 本周国际要闻商业 The European Union unveiled ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 55% by 2030 (compared with 1990 levels) and to reach net zero by 2050. 欧盟公布了雄心勃勃的目标,即到
  • 2021年经济学人 美国副国务卿访问中国与外交部长王毅举行会谈 The world this week - Politics 本周国际要闻政治 The worst flooding to hit Europe since the second world war left at least 200 people dead, with many more still unaccounted for. 欧洲遭遇二战以来最严重的洪灾,造成至少200人死亡
  • 2021年经济学人 司法的抉择--夫妇因间谍罪被处以死刑(1) On June 19th 1953, just minutes after the execution of her husband, Julius, for espionage, 37-year-old Ethel Rosenberg was strapped into the electric chair in Sing Sing prison in New York. 1953年6月19日,37岁的埃塞尔罗森伯格的丈夫朱利
  • 2021年经济学人 司法的抉择--夫妇因间谍罪被处以死刑(2) The picture of Ethel that emerges is of a tough, clever autodidact and would-be opera singer growing up in genteel poverty with an indifferent mother. 埃塞尔的形象逐渐浮现出来,她是一个坚强、聪明、自学成才的人,想成为歌
  • 2021年经济学人 无酒精啤酒成为酒业新希望(1) Business 商业 Alcohol-free Beer 无酒精啤酒 For the 10,000 years or so it has been around, beer has been relied upon both to refresh and intoxicate. 在大约1万年的历史中,人们一直依赖啤酒来提神和沉醉。 Today's brewers th
  • 2021年经济学人 无酒精啤酒成为酒业新希望(2) Beer that is entirely alcohol-free continues to be niche. 完全不含酒精的啤酒仍然是一个有利可图的小众市场。 At the moment, alcohol-free beer is still something you drink when you can't drink, says Trevor Stirling of Bernstein,
  • 2021年经济学人 与陌生人社交的艺术(1) Book Review 书评 Hello, Stranger. By Will Buckingham. 《你好陌生人》威尔白金汉 The Power of Strangers. By Joe Keohane. 《陌生人的力量》乔基奥恩 Fractured. By Jon Yates. 《断裂》乔恩耶茨 Attitudes to strangers tend to