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  • 2021年经济学人 继苹果之后,微软市值破2万亿美元 The world this week 本周国际要闻 Business 商业版块 In testimony to Congress, Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, admitted that prices are increasing at a faster pace than central bankers have forecast, 美联储主席杰罗姆
  • 2021年经济学人 美国银行要求返岗员工需完全接种疫苗 Americas Federal Trade Commission is to evaluate Amazons proposed takeover of MGM film studio. 美国联邦贸易委员会将对亚马逊收购米高梅电影公司的提议进行评估。 The commissions new chairwoman, Lina Khan, is an outspoken cr
  • 2021年经济学人 美国撤军阿富汗 塔利班伺机而动 The world this week 本周国际要闻 Politics 政治版块 Haitis president, Jovenel Moise, was shot dead at his private residence. 海地总统若弗内尔莫伊兹(Jovenel Moise)在其私人住宅中被枪杀。 The police said that they kill
  • 2021年经济学人 枪支与种族--双重标准(1) Books and Arts 文学与艺术 Book Review 书评 Guns and race - Double standard 枪支与种族双重标准 The Second. By Carol Anderson. 《第二》 作者卡罗尔安德森 A Black man with a gun has been white America's nightmare since before
  • 2021年经济学人 枪支与种族--双重标准(2) This double-barrelled interpretation contributed to centuries of brutality against defenceless black Americans. 这种双重解释导致了,长达几个世纪对手无寸铁的美国黑人的残酷镇压。 Ms Anderson recounts a South Carolina mil
  • 2021年经济学人 中国出厂价飙升加剧全球通胀忧虑(1) Inflation 通货膨胀 Paid in China 中国内部承担 Long a force for lower consumer prices, is China now exporting inflation? 一直是廉价商品来源的中国如今在输出高价? Eric zhu, an international sales manager at a Chinese forkl
  • 2021年经济学人 中国出厂价飙升加剧全球通胀忧虑(2) Rather than transmit the shock, Chinese companies have absorbed much of it. 中国企业非但没有传递这种冲击,反而吸收了其中大部分冲击。 Compared with the end of 2019, before covid-19 upended the world, factory-gate prices in
  • 2021年经济学人 隧道杀手,让你无处遁形(1) Underground warfare 地道战 Tunnel vision 隧道视觉 A new system of sensors can detect troglodytic enemy activity 一种新的传感器系统可以探测到穴道敌人的活动 From the collapsing of city walls during medieval sieges, to the la
  • 2021年经济学人 隧道杀手,让你无处遁形(2) Resead's real secret, though, is in the way it handles the incoming data. 然而,Resead真正的秘密在于它处理传入数据的方式。 First, these are pre-crunched by powerful hardware built into the sensors themselves. 首先,传感器本身
  • 2021年经济学人 被忽视的女性医疗--生病的女人(1) Books and Arts 文学与艺术 Book Review 书评 Women and Medicine 女性与医疗 Body politics 身体政治 Unwell Women. By Elinor Cleghorn. 《生病的女人》作者:埃莉诺?克莱霍恩 When Serena Williams struggled to breathe after giv
  • 2021年经济学人 被忽视的女性医疗--生病的女人(2) Within this panorama, the focus is on women's health in Britain and America. 在整体概述之中,重点是英国和美国的妇女健康。 In the early 20th century some travelled to Germany to try a new treatment called Dammerschlaf, or twiligh
  • 2021年经济学人 日本称东京奥运会场内观众上限一万人 Swedens prime minister, Stefan Lofven, lost a vote of confidence. 瑞典首相斯特凡勒文(Stefan Lofven)失去了信任投票。 He is allowed a week to cobble together a fresh coalition. 他获准有一周的时间来组建一个新的联盟。
  • 2021年经济学人 快过期的疫苗送韩国? Lebanon is days away from a social explosion, said the countrys caretaker prime minister, Hassan Diab. 黎巴嫩看守总理哈桑迪亚布(Hassan Diab)表示,黎巴嫩距社会爆炸仅剩几天时间。 Mr Diab appealed for help with a long-runni
  • 2021年经济学人 法国的劳动力短缺(1) Europe 欧洲板块 French labour shortages 法国的劳动力短缺 A la carte 按菜单点菜 Even in France, waiters and chefs have lost their taste for the job 就连法国的服务员和厨师也对工作失去了兴趣 Struggling to find extra
  • 2021年经济学人 法国的劳动力短缺(2) Even before the pandemic, this gap was a worry. 甚至在新冠疫情之前,这一差距就令人担忧。 The government had been trying to close it with extra apprenticeships and training schemes. 政府一直试图用额外的学徒和培训计划