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  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第227期:艾莉死的时候怀有孩子 Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality. 被爱的人不会逝去 因为爱是永恒 That's creepy. It's Emily Dickinson. 真诡异 是艾米莉狄金森的句子 I don't care if it's Santa Claus, consider me creeped. 就算是圣诞老人
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第228期:自掘坟墓 Do you hear that? 你们听到了吗 You mean the sprinklers? 你说洒水器吗 I heard it that night. Not in Ali's yard, at her grave. 那一晚我也听到了 不是在艾莉的院子 是在她的坟墓 I mixed up the nightmares. 我把那些噩梦都
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第229期:麦琪不想以斯拉看孩子 What if we talked to the teacher who coaches the decathlon team? 我们找十项全能队的指导老师谈谈如何 You had her for social studies, what's her name? 你社会学是她教的 她叫什么来着 Hannah? Hannah? 汉娜 汉娜 Why are yo
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第234期:斯宾塞报复托比 What? Just trying to get my spot on the team back. 怎么 我只想在队里重新得到一席之地 By doing what? 怎么得到 Well, I was about to show Andrew my cupcakes. 我本想给安德鲁展示一下我的小蛋糕 Since when do you have to
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