Madness is the worst. He was a good man, such a charmer. 疯狂是最要命的他是个好人非常有魅力 To watch him melt away before my eyes, consumed by dreams of fire and blood. Robert Baratheon was an entirely different animal. 眼见他在我...
I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all nights to come. When the sun rises in the west 我将生命与荣耀献给守夜人今夜如此 夜夜皆然当太阳从西边升起 And sets in the east. Then you shall return t...
Because the King needs a Hand and the Hand. I know what a Hand needs. Ghost? 因为国王需要首相 而首相需要...我知道首相的需求白灵 Hyah. Hyah! Hyah! Hyah. Samwell! 驾 驾驾驾山姆威尔 Is he dead? No, he's not dead. Did we ge...
You can't leave us now. We need you here. Move. I won't let you go. Move. No. 你不能这样一走了之 大伙需要你走开 我不会放你走走开 不 Hand of the King? So it would seem. And your father said you couldn't take anyone with you to...
Now his khalasar will trample no nations into dust. I spoke for you. I saved you. 他的卡拉萨再也无法令其他国度灰飞烟灭了是我替你求情是我救了你 Saved me? Three of those riders had already raped me before you saved me, gir...
A Khal who cannot ride is no Khal. The Dothraki follow only the strong. I'm sorry, my princess. 无法骑马的卡奥没有资格当卡奥多斯拉克人只追随强者公主殿下 我很遗憾 Drogo! Why is he out here alone? He seems to like the wa...
The boy did not live. Tell me. What is there to tell? How did my son die? ! 孩子没活成告诉我 您要我说什么我儿子是怎么死的 He never lived, my princess. The women say. What do the women say? 公主殿下 他根本就没活成那些女...
Perhaps I was wrong. Half wrong. I'm new to strategy, but. 也许我想错了不全错虽然我刚开始接触战略 但... Unless we want to be surrounded by three armies, it appears we can't stay here. No one will stay here. 除非我们想遭受三面...
It's a catastrophe. Perhaps we should sue for peace. There's your peace. 简直是大难临头也许我们应该求和这就是你要的和平 Joffrey saw to that when he decided to remove Ned Stark's head. You'll have an easier time drinking from th...
I pushed him out the window. Why? I hoped the fall would kill him. 是我把他推出窗外为什么我希望能摔死他 Why? You should get some sleep. It's going to be a long war. 为什么你该去睡觉了这场战争远没到尽头 I can't beli...
Leave us. You look lovely tonight, Lady Stark. Widowhood becomes you. 退下史塔克夫人 今晚您看上去迷人极了孀居生活蛮适合您 Your bed must be lonely. Is that why you came? I'm not at my best, 想必是孤枕难眠所以您才过来...
What do they know of the Wall or the Wolfswood? Even their gods are wrong! Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? 他们哪里懂得绝境长城和狼林就连他们信奉的神也不是真神咱们为什么就不能再次自己管自己呢 It was th...
Will you obey now? Or do you need another lesson? I'll look for you in court. 现在会听话了吗还是要再教训你一次等会儿朝堂上见 Save yourself some pain, girl. Give him what he wants. You'll be needing that again. 小妹妹 学乖点...
Look at him. Please let me go home. I won't do any treason, I swear. 看着他求求您 让我回家吧我保证不会背叛你 Mother says I'm still to marry you. So you'll stay here and obey. Look at him! 母亲说我还是得娶你 所以你必须留...
Tongue it is. Your grace, please. I won't sing. Your grace. Ser Ilyn, who better than you 那就舌头吧 陛下 开恩我再也不唱了...陛下伊林爵士 执行此刑 To carry out the sentence? I beg you! Please no. No! 还有谁比你更合适呢...