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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第7期:互相出丑 Kiddo, you are overthinking this. 孩子 你想太多了 I just don't wanna say the wrong thing. 我只是不想说错话 You can't. That's the beauty of having a brother. 不会的 那正是有兄弟的好处 Me and my brother were zinging each othe
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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第10期:如吞下太阳般的辣 You sure, Dad? 你确定吗 老爸 You're not worried I might stink up the blanket? 你不担心我会把毛毯弄臭吗 Don't worry about it. 别担心 We just use it to cover up the seat 那是我们用来铺在车座上的 for when Manny's all swe
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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第12期:后悔买了贵裙子 - Breathe. - Breathing only makes the fire spread. -快吸气 -吸气只会让火烧得更旺 Okay. Then drink this milk. 好吧 那就喝了这瓶牛奶 Ay, Cam. Why did you have to order that spicy dish? 小卡 你为什么要点那道辣菜 Becaus
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第13期:适可而止的玩笑 I left it in the car. - I totally get it. -我放在车里了 -我完全理解 I have a legendary hat story. 我也有个传奇性的帽子故事 I'll bet you look fabulous in that dress. 我敢打赌你穿那件裙子一定美若天仙 Yes, but anyo
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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第15期:车轮被盗 Yeah, that's why I come down here. Look there. 是的哦 所以我才过来 瞧那边 That was my old apartment. 那是我曾经住过的公寓 After I left Javier, that's all I could afford. 我离开哈维尔后 只能负担得起那样的房子 It
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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第17期:上学被排斥 What are you doing? 你在干什么啊 I showed you how to make 'em, 我已经向你演示怎么做了 and now you can do it yourself. 现在你可以自己做了 Come on, guys. Let's go. 好了大家 都出去 Well, good, because I really wanted to.
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第18期:梵高创作 I'm sort of counting on that. - Yeah. -我期盼着那一天的到来 -是啊 - I'm sorry I was picking on you too much. -Ah, that's- -我很抱歉对你太不客气了 -那... Jay said that's what brothers do. 杰说兄弟间就是那样相处的 We
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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第2期:我很搞笑 Well, in spite of you calling it a toy, 你将之称作玩具是大不敬 this is shaping up to top the best birthday I ever had. 但明天貌似会超过我曾过得最开心的一个生日 Oh, thank God we don't have to hear that stupid story 感谢上