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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第2期:真爱 Haley's just in the bathroom. She'll be back in just a minute. 海莉在浴室 她一会儿就回来 Thank you. 谢谢 Where were you pointing it? At the TV. 你刚才把遥控器对着哪 对着电视 This- 这 Honey- Uh, no. I'm sorry. 亲爱的 不
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第3期:情人节礼物 Uh- Actually, no. We repurposed it. 其实 我们重新改造了一下 It was sort of a Bob Mackie meets Martha Stewart project. 我们走的是名人混搭风 Okay. Well, we just thought it would be a nice surprise. 好吧 我们还以为能给你个惊
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第4期:一成不变 Oh, my God. 天呐 I love it. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. 爱死了 这是我见过最漂亮的东西 Seriously, you gotta put a black light on it. 你得用紫外灯照着看看 It'll blow your mind. 会美得让你犯晕呢 Wow! D
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第6期:寻找爱人 Are these rose petals? 这些是玫瑰花瓣吗 Yes, to commemorate our love. 是的 为了纪念我们的爱情 I had to settle. 我被迫和解 Well, your mom might think so, 你妈或许会认为你是被迫的 but a lot of people think I'm a catc
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第7期:追回挚爱 I even burned the edges to make it look fancy. 我甚至把纸边烧了一下 让它更好看些 And she didn't like it? 她不喜欢吗 Oh, she loved it. 她很喜欢 But this kid Durkas told her he wrote it. 可有个叫德卡斯的小崽子说是他
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第8期:童子军 Mind if I join you? 能坐你旁边吗 I'm Clive. Clive Bixby. 我叫克里夫 克里夫比克斯比 Yes, I can see that. I'm Juliana. 我看到了 我叫朱莉安娜 So, Clive, you in town for a convention, 克里夫 你是来这儿开会的 or do y
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第9期:唠叨的妻子 Tell me, would you be interested in 我问你 今晚你有没兴趣 earning a merit badge tonight? 来赢一枚小勋章呢 Do you know anything about tying knots? 你会捆绑 会打结吗 I probably shouldn't be talking to you. 我或许不该找你聊
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第10期:天生的自信 Do you have eyes on her? Is she here? 你发现她了吗 她在这儿吗 Two o'clock- blonde at the back table. 两点钟方向 坐在后排桌子的金发女生 Yep. I have a visual. 明白 发现目标了 Let's not talk like that anymore. Over. 别再
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第11期:结婚的感觉 How ugly are the women in Oregon? 俄勒冈的女人是有多丑啊 He's funny, Jay. 杰 他太逗了 I know. See? 对啊 没说错吧 - I can tell you're not- you're not from Oregon. -No. -我看得出来 你肯定不是从俄勒冈来的 -不是 -
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第12期:两幅假牙 Does that sound like something you'd be interested in? 您有兴趣参加我们的活动吗 Yeah, sure. 好啊 当然 Okay, just a few simple questions for you. 好的 我们只是问您几个小问题 Would you please rank your favorite ice creams 您
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第13期:愿望被满足 So, why would Ted say he wrote the poem if he didn't? 如果诗不是泰德写的 他为什么骗人呢 Maybe because you're the cutest girl in school, 也许是因为你是校花 and you have a laugh that makes science lab seem like recess. 而且你回
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第14期:傻瓜青年 And this is what's wrong with the world today. 这就是当今世界的不公平 The big guy... 大块头 thinks that he can roll right over the little guy... 自以为能凌驾于小家伙之上 until the little guy says, Enough. 直到小家伙说够
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第15期:赶回家陪老公 Well, happy Valentine's Day, counselor. 情人节快乐 律师先生 This is all happening so fast, Juliana. 我们发展得真快啊 朱莉安娜 I know, and I have to be home to my husband by midnight. 是啊 而且我午夜之前必须赶回家陪老
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第16期:老了也不会嫌弃 Do you think I'm so shallow 你以为我如此肤浅吗 that I'm gonna leave you when you're old? 你老了我就会抛弃你吗 What if I gain a hundred pounds? You gonna leave me then? 如果我胖了100磅 你会抛弃我吗 - No. - What's with th
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第17期:你是我的爱人 Why don't you take it off? 何不脱下来呢 Um, I'm freezing cold. 我...觉得很冷 At least let me give it a shot. 来吧 让我试试 - Oh, I don't think... - No, no, no. I got it. -不必了吧 -没事没事 看我的 - Mr. And Mrs. Dunphy? -