福克斯新闻 联邦运输安全局高管被解雇
Kelly Hoggan's departure as the Transportation Security Administration's head of security operations comes after a Capitol Hill hearing into the management of the agency. 众院监督委员会针对TSA的纰漏举行听证会后TSA宣布凯利霍根已
福克斯新闻 越来越多千禧一代选择同父母一起生活
For the first time ever, staying with your parents is now the most common living arrangement for people between the ages of 18 to 34. 这是有史以来第一次, 18至34岁之间的人同父母一起生活是现在最常见的居住方式。 The Pew
福克斯新闻 报告称46个州已经做出监狱相关法律改革
The analysis, done by the Vera Institute of Justice, finds that in 2014 and 2015, 46 states passed 201 bills, executive orders and ballot initiatives. 维拉司法研究机构的分析称在2014至15年两年间, 46个州通过了201项行政命令及投
福克斯新闻 美国女子感染"无敌细菌" 对现阶段全部抗生素均具有耐药性
Doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital are treating a woman with a bacterial infection that no antibiotic is working against. 沃尔特里德陆军医疗医院的医生们正在治疗细菌感染的一名女性,该名病人会对所有抗生素
福克斯新闻 职业棒球联赛女性第一人露西尔·理查兹逝世 享年90岁
Lucille Richards was a shortstop for the Racine Belles and the South Bend Blue Sox in 1945 as part of the first women's pro baseball league that was the inspiration for the movie A League of their Own: 1945年露西尔理查兹曾担任第一届女性职
福克斯新闻 美国总统大选老兵们向唐纳德·特朗普提出质问
The veterans said Trump's disrespect showed in his announcement of what was found to be only close to the 6 million raised from an Iowa event in January: 老兵们表示特朗普在1月爱荷华州的一起事件中宣布发现只有接近600万时显示
福克斯新闻 助听器的另一种替代选择
Medicare pays for hearing tests, but not hearing aids and those average around 4700 a pair. 医疗保险包括听力检测,但助听器可不包括在内,而且平均一副约4700美元的价格也不是人们所能承受的。 A government advisor
福克斯新闻 特朗普大选之路又加助力 终赢得众议长瑞恩支持
House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Twitter that he'll be voting for Donald Trump this fall and that he's confident he will turn the House Republican's agenda into laws. 白宫发言人保罗瑞恩在推特上表示,他将在今年秋天投票支持唐纳德
福克斯新闻 为救男童 美动物园射杀猩猩
No charges will be filed against the mother of the three-year-old boy who fell May 28 into the Cincinnati Zoo's gorilla exhibit before Harambe, a 17-year-old gorilla, violently dragged the boy and was later shot and killed with prosecutor Joe Deters
福克斯新闻 纽约临时命名"穆罕默德·阿里路"纪念拳王
West 33rd street outside New York City's Madison Square Garden renamed Muhammad Ali way to honor the boxing champ. 纽约市政府临时命名曼哈顿33街其中一段为穆罕默德阿里路以纪念阿里拳王。 The 74-year-old died Friday after
福克斯新闻 越战老兵终于完成高中学业
69-year-old Larry Crotts was supposed to graduate from the Berkley Michigan High School with the class of 66, but he was otherwise engaged, having joined the Navy to fight in the Vietnam War. 69岁的拉里克劳斯本应从伯克利密歇根高中第
福克斯新闻 美国奥兰多枪击案震惊全球 多国政要发声谴责恐怖主义
Russia's President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences. 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京就发生在奥兰多市的惨案向美国总统奥巴马及全美人民表示哀悼。 China's leader Xi Jinping phoned President Obama and Beijing's foreig
福克斯新闻 被禁赛2年 莎拉波娃拒绝接受处罚将上诉
One week since Sharapova was punished by an independent tribunal of the International Tennis Federation, this for doping at the Australian Open in January, the five-time Grand Slam singles champ and former world No.1 tennis player filed her appeal to
福克斯新闻 国民警卫队士兵训练中不幸身亡 原因当局正在调查中
The Arkansas National Guard identifies the soldier killed during an apparent training accident. 阿肯色州国民警卫队断定明显是一次训练意外造成士兵死亡。 As 33-year-old specialist Sylvester Cline, was assigned to the Guard's C
福克斯新闻 奥巴马与国会商讨控枪法案
The Presidents meeting with his national security team was aimed at giving him an update on the investigation into the Orlando terrorist attack and also reviewing the Administrations effort to destroy ISIS. 总统奥巴马举行安全会议,讨论奥