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  • 看老友记学英语 钱德和莫妮卡有一腿 You ate meat! 你吃过肉了 You had sex! 你跟人嘿咻 No,we didn't. 我们才没有 I know you didn't. I was talking about Monica. 我知道你没有 我说的是摩妮卡 I did not have sex. 菲比,我才没跟人嘿咻 This pregnancy is thro
  • 看老友记学英语 蜜月之行泡汤 瑞秋你怎么会在这里? I've been on standby for a flight home for hours. 我在等候补机位回纽约 So no sign of Emily? 你还没等到艾蜜莉? Not yet. 还没 When do you have to leave? 你是几点的飞机? This is the last call
  • 看老友记学英语 见不得人的鸳鸯浴 You look cute in bubbles. 你全身泡泡好可爱 You're just all liquored up. 你喝太多眼花了 Hey,it's me. I'm coming in. 是我,我进去了 I've had a very long,hard day. 我今天上班累死了 You're home early. -Yeah,my date threw up.
  • 看老友记学英语 吃火药的罗斯 Ross! 罗斯 Boddington's! 柏丁顿 Oh,man! 是啊 I'd walk back to London for another frosty one of those bad boys. 那啤酒真好喝 若是能再喝一杯 要我走回伦敦都行 They have them at the British pub by the Trade Center. 世贸附近的
  • 看老友记学英语 感情生活一团糟 It's good that you had such a good time in Greece. 瑞秋,太好了 幸好你在希腊玩得开心 What? 什么? I didn't have a good time in Greece! 我在希腊才不开心 Ross abandoned me! 罗斯丢下我一人 I couldn't get a plane out. I
  • 看老友记学英语 热吻连连 What took so long? 你怎么去那么久? I got caught up at work. But I'm quitting tomorrow. 公事担搁了 不过我明天就辞职 So thanks for having me over. 谢谢你邀我过来 Rachel 瑞秋 Phoebe 菲比 See you,man. 再见 What the hell
  • 看老友记学英语 身在曹营心在汉 I really had a good time. 我玩得好开心 Yeah,me too. 我也是 I guess this is it. 看来今天要结束了 Unless you want to come inside? 除非你想进来 好 Wait a minute. You know what? I can't decide this. 等等,我无法自做主张
  • 看老友记学英语 你哪根筋不对? What is the matter with you? Do you want to fall into the trap? 你哪根筋不对? 你又想老调重弹? 又想跳回去自找苦吃? You did not drop any socks! 你根本没掉袜子 I saw Dave,and he said you blew him off! 我刚碰到大卫
  • 看老友记学英语 别有深意的谈话 您现在的位置: 首页 影视英语 美剧学习 看老友记学英语 正文 《老友记》视听精讲第579期:别有深意的谈话 时间:2015-06-01 19:41:12 来源:可可英语 编辑:spring ? VIP免费外教试听课 | 可可官方微信
  • 看老友记学英语 谁想的烂主意? Hi. -Hey,Rach. 瑞秋 Did you find anyone who agrees with you? -No. 瑞秋,你找到谁支持你了吗? 还没 But you know what? I think I need a male point of view. 我决定问男性的意见 Joey.You're a man. 乔伊 你是男人 You got that
  • 看老友记学英语 老友们就是这么任性! Hey,everybody! Phoebe is here! 各位,菲比来了 Phoebe! Woo! -Okay. Woo! Hi! 菲比 大家好 Phoebe,we decided that the picnic idea was a little....It didn't have any.... Well,it blew. 我们认为野餐的主意实在烂透了 We thought that
  • 看老友记学英语 生活就是个笑话 What you reading? 你在看什么? Paper. 报纸 Yeah? What's it about? 上面说了什么? Events from around the globe. 世界各地的新闻 There's something I have to talk to you about. 罗斯,我有件事要告诉你 Everyone's saying I s
  • 看老友记学英语 感同身受 好感人喔 We spoke to the nurse. The reason your doctor is late... 我们问过护士了 你的医生之所以迟到是因为 ...is because she's not coming. 她不来了 She hit her head in the shower. 什么? 她在浴室跌倒撞到头 Oh,my God. She's so
  • 看老友记学英语 地下恋情遮遮掩掩 Monica,you're gonna be very proud of me. 摩妮卡,你一定会很以我为荣 I just got us dates with two unbelievably cute nurses. 我帮我们约到两个俏护士 Oh,my! 喔 They're male nurses. 是男看护 Not in my head. 在我想像中不是
  • 看老友记学英语 纯粹抢风头 Get a shot of this. 罗斯,拍这里 These are the headlines when you were born. 宝宝们 这是你们出生当天的头条 Now,girl baby,turn away. And boy babies... 女宝宝把头转开,男宝宝 ...check it out! 看, This is what naked wom