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  • 看老友记学英语 我的捐款让乔伊上了电视 PBS Telethon. 公视电视募款 Hi,Joey. 嗨,乔伊 Hey,Phoebe. 嗨,菲比 I'd like to make a pledge. I would like to donate $200. 我要捐钱 我想捐200元 Two hundred dollars? You sure? After what Sesame Street did to you? 200美元?你确定
  • 看老友记学英语 因为你, 更好的我 Look...I got carried away before, but there's something you got to know. 或许我先前太得意了 不过有件事要告诉你 If I'm the best,it's only because you made me the best. 如果我表现得很好也是因为你 Keep talking. 说下去 I
  • 看老友记学英语 欢迎加入成熟恋人行列 I just came over to drop off...nothing. 嗨 我来拿没事 So that weekend kind of sucked. 上周末过得很糟 Yeah,it did. 没错 So I guess this is over? 那大概没得玩了 You know,you and me. I mean,it had to end sometime. 什么? 我说你
  • 看老友记学英语 地下恋情首次曝光 Yes.Yes. 没错 You? And you? 你?跟你? But you cannot tell anyone. No one knows. 对,但是你不能告诉别人 还没人知道 But how? When? 怎么会?何时? lt happened in London. -ln London! 要从伦敦说起 伦敦? We didn't w
  • 看老友记学英语 别当着我面亲热呀 None of that. Not while you're under my roof! 不准这样,还住在我屋里 就得守规矩 What? 什么? Just because I know about you doesn't mean I like looking at it. 就算我知道内幕 也不代表我喜欢看你们亲热 Aren't you sup
  • 看老友记学英语 “瑞秋碰过家具”大拍卖 You can't put up flyers in here. 罗斯,你不能在这里贴广告 How come? Everybody else does. 为什么?别人都可以 You can't. 就是你不行 What is that? 什么东西? I'm getting rid of some things. 我要处理掉一些家具 This
  • 看老友记学英语 生活中最难的戏 What is he doing? 他这是做什么? Emily thinks Ross' furniture has got Rachel cooties? 艾蜜莉觉得罗斯的家具 会沾上瑞秋的虱子吗? Calm down,Joey. 乔伊,别激动 Everything's getting all messed up! 我偏要,事情搞得乱
  • 看老友记学英语 罗斯挽回新妻还得搬家 No,it's just a bit sudden. 不只是有点突然 It's great,okay? I am totally onboard. 其实我很高兴,也全力赞成 I love you too. All right,bye. 我也爱你,好,再见 What's the matter? 怎么了,罗斯? Nothing. No,actually.....
  • 看老友记学英语 撞见鬼啦! You guys! We were in the storage area, and we saw this creepy man. 大家听我们说,我们刚刚去储藏室 看到一个很可怕的人 It was this crazy-eyed, hairy beast-man. 眼神凶残,全身毛茸茸 It was like a Big Foot or a yeti or som
  • 看老友记学英语 你接受道歉态度让人很不爽 You might not remember us, but we're the girls that fogged you. 你大概不记得 我们就是上次喷你的人 We're really sorry we fogged you. 我们很抱歉乱喷一通 Just so you know, we didn't mean to fog you. 嗨,我们只是要告诉你
  • 看老友记学英语 火化皮草有违时尚! You know my friend Chris who owns the crematorium? 你知道我那个开火葬场的 朋友克里斯吧? Crematorium Chris? Sure. 火葬场那个克里斯?当然 He said he would cremate my fur coat for free...if I bring in the next person I know
  • 看老友记学英语 婚姻意味着牺牲 I miss you too. I can't wait to see you. I love you. Bye. 我也想念你,希望快点见到你.我爱你,再见 What is in here,rocks? 这什么?石头吗? No,it's my collection of fossil samples. 不,我收集的化石样本 So,rocks. 就是
  • 看老友记学英语 墙头草两边倒 您现在的位置: 首页 影视英语 美剧学习 看老友记学英语 正文 《老友记》试听精讲第623期:墙头草两边倒 时间:2015-10-15 20:11:09 来源:可可英语 编辑:spring ? VIP免费外教试听课 | 可可官方微信
  • 看老友记学英语 有些人只会以貌取人 您现在的位置: 首页 影视英语 美剧学习 看老友记学英语 正文 《老友记》试听精讲第624期:有些人只会以貌取人 时间:2015-10-17 07:42:00 来源:可可英语 编辑:spring ? VIP免费外教试听课 | 可可官方
  • 看老友记学英语 一起来道歉 Are you still mad? 你还在生我们的气吗? 对 Good! We have an I'm Sorry song. 很好,因为我们写了一首 很抱歉的歌 You know what? I'm not in the mood. 告诉你们,我现在心情不好 Look,Ross. 罗斯 I feel really bad. You