Nor did wild rumors of all sorts fail to exaggerate, and still the more horrify the true histories of these deadly encounters. 而且,各式各样喧腾的谣言都没有不是加油添酱,越发把这些骇人的遭遇的真相给渲染得格外恐怖
But there were still other and more vital practical influences at work. 但是,还有其他更主要而实际的影响在起作用。 Nor even at the present day has the original prestige of the Sperm Whale, as fearfully distinguished from all other
And as if the now tested reality of his might had in former legendary times thrown its shadow before it; 现在业经证实的有关抹香鲸的威猛实情,仿佛是早在以前的传说时代就已有迹象可循了; we find some book naturalists-
That to attempt it, would be inevitably to be torn into a quick eternity. On this head, there are some remarkable documents that may be consulted. 他们认为:凡想一试的人,将必然会立刻丧命。在这方面,还有一些值得注意的文献
It is a thing well known to both American and English whale-ships, and as well a thing placed upon authoritative record years ago by Scoresby, that some whales have been captured far north in the Pacific, in whose bodies have been found the barbs of
But even stripped of these supernatural surmisings, there was enough in the earthly make and incontestable character of the monster to strike the imagination with unwonted power. 但是,即使剥去这些超自然的揣测的外衣,光就这巨兽的体
More than all, his treacherous retreats struck more of dismay than perhaps aught else. For, when swimming before his exulting pursuers, with every apparent symptom of alarm, he had several times been known to turn around suddenly, 尤其是它那种可
No turbaned Turk, no hired Venetian or Malay, could have smote him with more seeming malice. 这是裹着头巾的土耳其人,被雇佣的威尼斯人或者马来人,都也不会对他使出如此毒辣的手段的。 Small reason was there to doubt
It is not probable that this monomania in him took its instant rise at the precise time of his bodily dismemberment. 他的这种偏热症,也许不是刚好在他失去肢体时就立刻产生的。 Then, in darting at the monster, knife in hand, he
Even then, when he bore that firm, collected front, however pale, and issued his calm orders once again; 甚至在那个时候,尽管他脸色苍白,他依然显得神态坚定自若,又在镇定地发号施令了。 and his mates thanked God the dir
This is much; yet Ahab's larger, darker, deeper part remains unhinted. 这已说得不少了;然而,对于亚哈的更伟大。 But vain to popularize profundities, and all truth is profound. 更秘密。更深沉的部分却还只字未提。 Windin
Nevertheless, so well did he succeed in that dissembling, that when with ivory leg he stepped ashore at last, no Nantucketer thought him otherwise than but naturally grieved, and that to the quick, with the terrible casualty which had overtaken him. 不
Had any one of his old acquaintances on shore but half dreamed of what was lurking in him then, how soon would their aghast and righteous souls have wrenched the ship from such a fiendish man! 他岸上那些老朋友中,如果有任何一个人只消隐
How it was that they so aboundingly responded to the old man's ire--by what evil magic their souls were possessed, that at times his hate seemed almost theirs; 究竟这些人物怎会这样齐心一致地应和着这老头的忿怒,他们的心灵究
What the white whale was to Ahab, has been hinted; what, at times, he was to me, as yet remains unsaid. 亚哈对白鲸怎样看法,已经略有交代;至于我时常对白鲸怎样看法,却还没有说过。 Aside from those more obvious considerat