Now to warm up as quick as possible. 现在得赶紧暖和起来 I learned very early on, never to complain about being cold. 我老早就明白 永远也别抱怨 感觉太冷 And in the military what would happen if you've ever said, I'm a bit cold
There's a short stretch of rapids before I reach a calmer water. 到达平静的水面之前我要经过一小段急流 This would be a good test for my raft. 考验筏子的时刻到来了 Well, it's held up pretty well in that rapid. 这筏子在刚刚
Downsream, there's a waterfall.I have to get out of this water fast. 顺流而下 是一个瀑布 我必须尽快逃出水面 There's a falling tree ahead.It's my only chance. 前面有一棵树倒在水中 这是我唯一的机会 It's a struggle to
This is why it always worth,just checking out dry riverbeds the animal tracks.See these? 这么做总是值得的 检查一下干涸的河床上面动物的痕迹 看见了吗 That's where he scurried across soft ground left the imprint, 这是它疾驰
I'm deep in the backwoods in Alabama,with a snare set. 我在阿拉巴马丛林深处 设了一个陷阱 I'm looking for a place to make a camp. 我在找地方安营扎寨 The probem of making a camp in a wood like this is so many the branches dead
And with sub-zero temperatures common here at night, 这里夜晚的温度通常在零度以下 I want insulation to keep that heat in. 我需要一些绝缘物来保持温度 And just use a big pile of leaves and build it up from the bottom upwards.
Destined for slaughter, it's been left for me to dispatch 野外生存注定会有杀戮 to show you how to tackle one of these if it got caught in your snare. 这次让我来告诉大家 如何解决踏进圈套中的这些动物 But you've got to b
He's calling now.What he's doing is trying to get other pigs in to come and help him. 它在不停地嚎叫 试图召集附近的 同类过来救它 So, really, I want to finish this as quickly as I can. 所以我得尽快 把它干掉 I'm going to d
Uncooked pork goes off in a matter of hours. 生猪肉很快就会变质 I want to get this on the fire as quickly as I can. 要尽快把它用火烤熟 You get a prim,achilles tendon and the leg and pull it straight onto this to cook 我们把跟腱
And all I've got to do is dip this in it and wrap it around a stick. 然后把布条 沾满油 卷在一根棍子上 And this should burn nicely now. 这样就可以让火烧得很旺了 Pig fat burns with a bright flame,perfect for exploring dark ca
Not much of a meal,I need to head in deeper. 还不够吃 我要进到更深处 There's some sort of shaft.It's running straight down into the rock. 这里有一个轴状洞穴 一直往下延伸 到那块石头 You see that?Gonna see what's down the
There's a hole,chasm down here.I can't quite see how far it is down to the water. 这有个洞 下面是岔路 我完全看不清 距离下面的水流还有多远 But one thing is for certain. I can not get back up that easily. 但是有一件事很确
The water is pouring down from the surface, 水流是从地表倾泻而来的 and I'm gonna try to follow it up and out of here. 我要跟着水流走以便找到出路 There's light ahead!Look, you see that? Look.Look over there. See it? 前面有亮光
but it's narrow,and all of these wall just so Smooth 但是它很窄 所有的石壁表面都非常光滑 And at the moment,there is no way out of it keep moving on a bit It's 40 foot to the top, 现在 我们还找不到出口 再往前走一走 这里
Only feet to go now,but this is no time to lose concentration. 胜利就在前方 现在决不能分神 Ok, come on.Last bit, you've got a good grip there. 好了 上来吧 最后一步 这儿有一个手能抓的地方 You got it?that's good.I love