The tunnel was a great way of avoiding climbing over the ridge,a good shortcut. 这条隧道是避免攀爬山脊的最佳途径 是f一条捷径 And now it's time to make that rendezvous with a helicopter to get me out of here. 现在是时候到约定
I'm Bear Grylls. 我是贝尔格里尔斯 I'm gonna show you what it takes to get out alive from some of the most dangerous places on earth. 我将向您展示 如何从地球上 最危险的地带 逃出生天 I've got to make it through a week of c
Sky diving from a bi-plane is anything but straight forward. 在双翼飞机上跳伞 绝对不能鲁莽行事 The fast and simplest way is for the pilot to reverse the plane. 最简单可行的办法就是 让飞行员将飞机翻转过来 Flip it u
Bones are everywhere.It's an old coyote.Harsh place. 到处都是动物的骸骨 这是只老土狼的头骨 恶劣的环境 And it might be worth taking a couple of these with me. 随身带上一两块这样的骨头 也许能派上用场 Old coyote
Look, you see these stones just in a circle like this.Very very unnatural shape. 你看这些石头像这样摆成了一个圈 绝对不是自然形成的 It means more than likely this is hunter's trap of some sort. 这应该是猎人设下的陷阱
And what I have got is this rope and this old trap. 我有一根绳子 一个旧的捕兽器 But I know for sure I've not got enough rope to reach 60-plus foot down there. 但是我的绳子不够长 我没法靠它下到60多英尺下的地方 But t
Bull's eye.Feels like it's caught.And that's probably as good as I'm gonna get. 正中目标 我感觉抓得很牢 不会再有比这还好的效果了 Let's bring this back. Okay.Facing terrain like this,a rope is too precious to leave behind. 拉回来
I'm in the high mountains of western Texas in the brutal Chihuahuan desert. 我身处德克萨斯州西部 奇瓦瓦沙漠中的峡谷之间 I've thrown a rope across a 30-foot chasm,but my improvised grappling hook 我刚才将一根绳子扔过了3
Out here, you need at least a gallon of water a day to stave off dehydration. 在这里 你每天至少需要一加仑的水 以避免脱水 Without it, you begin to feel disorientated,suffering headaches and nausea. 没有水 你会开始感觉迷失方
I'm battling the deep ravines and cnyons of western Texas. 我正与德克萨斯州西部 的深沟峡谷展开生死搏斗 To the south lies the mighty Rio Grande,one of the most monitored frontiers on earth, 在我的南边是奔腾不息的格兰德
I first learned this technique living with the San Bushman of Namibia. 这个办法我最早是从纳米比亚的 布须曼人那学来的 Now, it's gonna be pretty makeshift,but I haven't got long. 它是很好的替代品 不过还不够长 Okay, t
Even with the stick,I've got to remain focused on where I'm standing. 即使手持长棍 我仍要时刻警惕自己所处的位置 You can't take your eyes off these snakes for a moment. 你的视线一刻也不能离开这些毒蛇 They can strike
I'm deep in the heart of the Chihuahuan desert, western Texas,and I've reached arroyo. 我身处德克萨斯州西部的 奇瓦瓦沙漠的中心地带 现在我来到一处河谷 Look at this.A slash of green vegetation fed from spring water emergin
And all too soon,there's another obstacle in my path. 好景不长 在我前进的道路上又出现了另一道障碍 Let's take it easy on this stuff. 面对困难的时候要从容淡定 Hang on. All of this is completely overhanging. 等等 这里完
Desert-survival guides dictate that the best way to avoid heat and dehydration is to travel by night. 沙漠生存指南中写道 避免高温炽热和脱水的最好办法 就是在夜间行进 But this rough terrain is scarred by deep, unpredictabl